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Identifying and Dealing with Substance Abuse and Addiction in the Workplace

Written by Plumm Editor | Jul 31, 2023 7:42:38 AM

Substance abuse and addiction are complex mental health issues that can affect all aspects of a person’s life, including their work. In this article, we talk about the importance of awareness and transparency in addressing substance abuse and addiction in the workplace. We identify some tips for recognising signs and symptoms in team members. And we explore various strategies companies can adopt to combat these.

How does substance abuse affect the workplace? 

To foster a healthy work environment and help employees in need of support, we first need to increase our awareness. It’s important to become conscious of the possible signs and symptoms to look out for. The following behaviours could suggest an employee or team member is battling with substance dependence or abuse: 

  • Changes in Work Performance – A drop or decline in work performance could indicate substance or addiction related difficulties. This could show up as lowered productivity, missed deadlines, unexplained absences, or frequent errors in tasks that were previously performed well.

  • Attendance Issues – Regular tardiness, unexplained absences, or a pattern of taking sick leaves on certain days of the week.

  • Mood Swings – Having noticeable mood swings often, sudden outbursts of anger, irritability, or excessive emotional sensitivity.

  • Isolation – Employees struggling with substance abuse may become more socially withdrawn or isolated from their coworkers. Or, on the other hand, they may become overly talkative or excessively social, trying to hide their difficulties from those around them.

  • Decline in Personal Grooming – Neglecting personal hygiene or a sudden lack of attention to appearance. 
  • Unexplained Financial Difficulties – Employees facing substance abuse challenges may have unexplained financial problems, such as frequent requests for salary advances or borrowing money from coworkers. 

  • Increased Secrecy – A person struggling with substance abuse may become overly secretive about their activities, belongings, or whereabouts. 

  • Erratic Work Patterns – Unpredictable work habits, including working late without a clear reason or being overly eager to leave the workplace. 

  • Unusual Smells or Physical Signs – The presence of unusual smells, such as alcohol or drugs, on an employee or in their workspace may raise concerns. Physical signs, like bloodshot eyes, weight-loss, or unsteady movements, could also be noticeable. 

  • Neglecting Safety Precautions – Employees under the influence of substances might ignore safety protocols, putting themselves and others at risk. 
  • Reporting mental health challenges – such as depression, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping 

It’s important to remember that these signs could be linked to other, unrelated factors as well – especially when occurring in isolation. When seeing a combination of these behaviours at the same time, it may warrant further attention, intervention, and support on behalf of the employer or manager.

Addressing substance abuse and addiction in the workplace environment  

Stigma is a major issue that prevents people from speaking up or seeking out support for substance abuse or addiction-related issues – especially in the work environment. Fostering transparency and awareness through open conversations, trainings, and workshops can help reduce this. Meaning employees are more likely to seek help without fear of judgment. Creating a culture of awareness allows for potential problems to be identified early on, making it possible for the relevant people to get the support they need before the situation gets worse. A culture of awareness and transparency can also help in terms of prevention.  Fostering a space for educational initiatives that promote healthier behaviours can lead to a more supportive, productive, and harmonious workplace overall. 

Employing compassionate strategies 

So, how can we address the challenges of addiction with compassion and understanding? 

It’s crucial to recognise addiction is a multifaceted condition that may be influenced by many different factors. Including underlying mental health issues or past traumas. Showing empathy and understanding can help employees feel comfortable seeking help without fear of judgment or stigma. It’s also important that employers and coworkers approach affected individuals with sensitivity, privacy, and an open-minded attitude. And to make employees aware of, and encourage the use, of the support options available to them. These include: 

  • counselling sessions 
  • chat therapy services 
  • support groups 

Flexible working arrangements 

Addiction recovery often requires a significant amount of time outside of work for undergoing treatment, attending support group meetings, and seeing specialists. Companies can help affected employees during the crucial stages of their recovery by allowing more flexible work arrangements for them – in as far as practically possible. This might include strategies like allowing them more flexible hours or allowing them to work remotely on certain days when they need to attend appointments during office hours. 

Maintaining professionalism and setting boundaries 

Providing managers and supervisors with the necessary training and resources helps them recognise signs of addiction in team members more easily. And it can also help them address the situation with sensitivity while maintaining a sense of professionalism. In addition, boundaries remain a crucial part of handling addiction and substance abuse issues proactively and professionally. Setting appropriate boundaries can ensure that support is offered while still maintaining a professional environment. Lastly, effective communication is vital when dealing with substance abuse and addiction in the workplace. This increase in knowledge, skills, and awareness ensures that leaders are equipped to offer the necessary support and accommodate team members' needs while still maintaining productivity.


Recognising the signs and symptoms of substance abuse and addiction is the first step in effectively supporting employees who may be experiencing these challenges. By understanding the physical, psychological, and behavioural indicators, workplaces can foster an environment of empathy and compassion. Remember, substance abuse and addiction are treatable conditions, and with the right support and resources, employees can overcome these difficulties and thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Whether you’re an employer or a colleague, this guide serves as a valuable resource in identifying warning signs and offering the support needed for those facing substance abuse and addiction in the workplace. 

By understanding the physical, psychological, and behavioural indicators, employers and coworkers can take proactive steps to support their colleagues effectively.

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