Frequently Asked Questions - Emma AI

All you need to know about Emma AI

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Core Features:

  • Sentiment Analysis: Emma uses advanced sentiment analysis techniques to gauge the emotional state of users before and after their interactions. This ensures a highly personalised and empathetic experience.
  • Conversational AI: Emma engages in natural and human-like conversations using state-of-the-art conversational AI models. Features such as dialogue generation, question answering, and chat history tracking enhance user experience and increase engagement. Emma also learns from user interactions over time.
  • Contextual Support: Emma redirects users to the Plumm resources when they ask for tools or resources, ensuring access to relevant support materials.
  • Escalation Support: While Emma is not an emergency service, it can recognise crisis or self-harm situations and provide information on local emergency service contact numbers.
  • AI-driven Summarisation: Emma summarises information from various sources to generate thoughtful and coherent responses.
  • Organise and Resume Chat Sessions: Emma allows users to keep chats organised based on different topics, making it easy to switch between topics and resume previous chat sessions at any time.
  • Organisational Context: Emma has contextual awareness of an organisation (such as company industry) and is able to tailor responses to be more appropriate to a user.
  • Company Information (HR): Emma is able to incorporate company information (if permission is granted from Emma to read uploaded documents), to further enrich and enhance the users conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. What and who is Emma?

A1. Created by Plumm, Emma provides support a broad range of support, including support for mental health concerns, personal growth through text-based conversations, as well as professional growth and development, and HR specific support.

Q2. How can I access Emma?

A2. Users can access Emma by logging in to their account on Plumm’s website, mobile app (iOS or Android), Slack app, or MS Teams app. Emma is available 24/7 on all platforms.

Q3. What kind of mental health concerns can Emma help with?

A3. Emma can assist with various mental health concerns, including stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, relationship challenges, work-related problems, and personal growth.

Q4. What type of therapy principles does Emma use?

A4. Emma primarily uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques and incorporates coaching methods to help users set goals, develop self-awareness, and improve overall mental health and wellbeing.

Q5. How does Emma maintain confidentiality?

A5. Emma follows international ethical and legal guidelines and adheres to data protection regulations. Conversations are encrypted, data is stored on secure servers, and strict access controls are in place to ensure user privacy.

Q6. What ethical and legal guidelines does Emma follow?

A6. Emma adheres to guidelines such as confidentiality, a non-judgmental approach, informed consent, and maintaining professional boundaries.

Q7. What quality assurance processes are in place for Emma’s conversations?

A7. Plumm’s mental health professionals periodically review conversations to maintain high standards and improve support quality.

Q8. How can Emma help set goals and make positive personal changes?

A8. Emma uses coaching techniques to help users set personal goals and identify negative thoughts and behaviours.

Q9. How can I access additional mental health resources through Emma? A9. Users can access additional resources through the Plumm’s Learn features, as well as the Resources, Meditation and Soundscape features.

Q10. What if a user is in crisis?

A10. Emma is not designed for crisis support. In such cases, Emma provides links to emergency contacts and hotlines.

Q11. Will Emma engage in conversations on topics like religion or politics?

A11. Emma focuses on mental health and wellbeing. If users raise topics outside this scope, Emma will gently redirect to the available areas of support.

Q12. How is Emma different from other chatbots?

A12. Emma provides empathetic, personalised support, focusing on personal and professional growth and development, as well as offering personalised HR support and guidance. Unlike traditional chatbots, Emma engages in natural dialogue and follows ethical guidelines.

Q13. How does Emma handle inappropriate behaviour from users?

A13. Emma maintains a respectful and empathetic approach. If the conversation becomes unproductive or harmful, Emma will encourage constructive expression.

Q14. What makes Emma different from a chat therapist?

A14. Emma provides immediate support using CBT techniques but does not replace a licensed therapist. Emma encourages users to seek professional help when necessary.

Objections and Responses

Lack of Human Interaction

Response: Emma complements human interaction by providing immediate support when humans aren't available and encourages seeking professional help when necessary.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

Response: Emma follows data protection regulations, encrypts conversations, and stores data securely, prioritising privacy.

Reliability of AI Advice

Response: Emma’s advice is based on established psychological techniques and continuously improves from interactions.

Inappropriate or Harmful Advice

Response: Safeguards are in place to prevent harmful advice, and users are encouraged to seek professional help for complex issues.

Depersonalisation of Mental Health Support

Response: Emma provides empathetic and personalised support and is designed to supplement, not replace, traditional therapy.

Lack of Empathy

Response: Emma uses sentiment analysis to gauge emotions and tailor responses empathetically.

Over-reliance on AI

Response: Emma encourages users to seek professional help when necessary and supplements, not substitutes, professional therapy.

Accessibility and Digital Divide

Response: Emma is accessible through multiple platforms, with guides and support available to help users engage with Emma.Product Based Knowledge_Plumm Colour Banner_2024