Adding Certifications and Accreditations

Here's how to upload your documents to your profile as a Provider

1. First, you will need to log in to your account here

Before you can proceed with Step 2- Documents, you must add all your personal details to your profile before you can go to the next step.

Once this is done, click on Submit to proceed to Step 2.

(If this is already done you can skip this step and move on to step 2 below.)

2. On the left-hand-side panel - click on Documents. 

Next, you will need to upload the relevant certificates for the practice(s) you offer.

(The options that were selected in Step 1 will show here.)

Click on the blue button to upload the certificate. It should only take a few seconds to upload.


3. The final step will be uploading your accreditation documents in the Accreditations section.

To do this, click on the blue button and select the file that you'd like to upload from your device.


Lastly, click on submit and proceed to Step 3- My Availability.


If you need additional assistance, please contact Customer Support.😊