How to Check Your Session Limit and Balances Using Emma

How to Check Your Session Cap and Balances Using Emma AI

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Title: How to Check Your Session Limit and Balances Using Emma AI

Managing and keeping track of your therapy sessions is crucial to ensure you are making the most out of your therapy plan. At Plumm, we've made this process simple and efficient with the help of Emma, our virtual AI assistant. Emma can help you quickly check your session limits and remaining balances. Follow these steps to learn how to use this feature.

Step 1: Navigate to the Platform

Start by logging into your account on the Plumm platform. Ensure you have your login details handy to access your dashboard directly.

Step 2: Locate Emma AI

Once you are logged in and on your dashboard, look to the top right-hand side of the screen. You will find the access point to Emma AI labeled as "Emma AI." This is your gateway to interact with our virtual assistant.

Step 3: Interact with Emma

Click on the Emma AI icon to start your interaction. You can ask Emma specific questions regarding your therapy sessions, such as:

  • "How many video therapy sessions do I have left?"
  • "What is my video therapy session limit for the month?"

Step 4: Receive Your Information

Emma will process your questions and check the details according to your specific user package. Within moments, Emma will respond with information about your current session usage and how many sessions you have left for the month.

Tips for Interacting with Emma

  • Be Clear: When asking questions, use clear and specific language to ensure Emma can understand and provide the most accurate information.
  • Check Regularly: Make it a habit to check your session limits regularly, especially if you are scheduling multiple sessions in a month.
  • Update Needs: If your therapy needs change, consider discussing your session plan with a support team member to ensure it still meets your needs.


Using Emma, our virtual AI assistant, makes managing your therapy sessions straightforward and hassle-free. By following these simple steps, you can always be aware of how many sessions you have used and how many are left, ensuring you never miss out on the support you need. If you have any further questions or need assistance with other features, Emma is ready to help you navigate the platform efficiently.

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