Managing Double Bookings: A Guide for Providers

Managing Double Bookings

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Double bookings can occasionally occur in any practice, especially with online scheduling where multiple clients might book the same slot. This article outlines how therapists should handle such situations to maintain trust and provide a smooth experience for clients.

Recognising Double Bookings

Double bookings happen when two clients are scheduled for the same time slot with a single therapist. This often results from overlapping or multiple recurring slots in your calendar that allow more than one client to book the same appointment time. Recognising these as soon as they occur is crucial for timely resolution.

Steps to Resolve Double Bookings

1. Check Your Calendar Regularly

  • Regularly review your appointment calendar to spot any overlapping bookings. Ensuring your calendar views are set to show detailed overlaps can aid in early detection.

2. Communicate Promptly and Politely

  • As soon as you notice a double booking, reach out to both clients. It’s important to communicate transparently about the error. Explain the situation clearly and apologise for any inconvenience.

3. Request Rescheduling

  • Kindly ask one of the clients to consider rescheduling their appointment. Provide alternative dates and times, showing flexibility to accommodate their schedule as much as possible. It’s essential to handle this conversation with care, ensuring the client feels valued and understood.

4. Confirm New Appointment Times

  • Once a client agrees to reschedule, confirm the new appointment immediately and send a follow-up email or message to thank them for their understanding and flexibility. Ensure the calendar reflects this change accurately to avoid further confusion.

5. Prevent Future Double Bookings

  • To prevent future occurrences, check your calendar settings. If you are using a digital booking system, ensure that it only allows one appointment per slot.
  • Delete any existing overlapping recurring slots before adding new ones, especially if they might lead to another double booking. Consistently updating your availability is key to maintaining an orderly schedule.

Why Managing Double Bookings is Important

Handling double bookings efficiently prevents disruption in your practice and avoids potential disappointment and frustration for your clients. It also demonstrates professionalism and respect for the clients’ time, which can significantly impact their satisfaction and trust in your services.


Double bookings are manageable with prompt and effective action. By regularly monitoring your schedule, communicating openly with your clients, and maintaining an organised calendar, you can prevent these issues and ensure a smooth, professional practice. Remember, how you handle such errors can strengthen client relationships and enhance your reputation as a thoughtful and efficient therapist.

Need Further Help?

If you encounter persistent issues with scheduling or need advice on managing your calendar effectively, please contact our support team. We are here to help you streamline your processes and ensure the best possible service for your clients.

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