What is Plumm? Innovating HR Through Technology and Wellbeing

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Introduction to Plumm

At Plumm, we understand that the heart of any business is its people. That's why we have dedicated ourselves to developing a platform that not only manages HR tasks efficiently but also supports the overall wellbeing of employees. So, what is Plumm? Plumm is a comprehensive HR platform focused on workplace wellness and employee support.

Our Evolution

Originally known for enhancing mental and emotional wellbeing through innovative solutions, Plumm has broadened its horizons. While we have transitioned to a more comprehensive HR platform, the essence of supporting individual growth and wellbeing remains integral to our mission. Our tools and services are designed to nurture a healthy, engaging, and productive workplace culture.

What Services Does Plumm Offer?

Plumm's HR platform encompasses several key features designed to support both operational HR needs and employee development:

  • Learning Management System (LMS): A service for fostering continuous personal and professional growth through tailored learning paths.
  • Payroll: Streamlined operations ensure that payroll tasks are handled with precision, allowing more time for strategic wellbeing initiatives.
  • E-sign: Simplifies administrative processes by allowing secure digital signing of documents.
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Hire: Our system not only simplifies the recruitment process but also ensures a good fit between the company's culture and potential employees, supporting long-term wellbeing.
  • Time Off Management and 1:1s: These services promote a balanced work life, encouraging employees to recharge and engage in meaningful discussions about their career and personal development.
  • Trusline Whistleblowing: A secure and confidential system for reporting unethical behavior or concerns within the organization.
  • Surveys and Reviews: Tools to gather and analyze employee feedback, helping managers and HR professionals understand and improve employee satisfaction and engagement.

Integrating Wellbeing

Recognizing our roots in mental health support, Plumm ensures that wellbeing remains at the core of all our services. Our platform provides insights into employee satisfaction and engagement, helping managers and HR professionals tailor their approaches to meet the unique needs of each team member.

Looking Forward

As Plumm moves forward, we continue to innovate at the intersection of technology and employee wellbeing. We are committed to providing tools and services that not only streamline HR processes but also foster an environment where every employee can thrive.


With a rich history in promoting mental health and a dynamic future in HR technology, Plumm stands as a beacon for companies seeking to enhance both their operational efficiency and their commitment to employee wellbeing.

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