Overview: Hire Ratings and Scores

This guide is designed to guide you through our approach to evaluating candidates through our "Hire" feature (Applicant Tracking System (ATS), ensuring a fair, objective, and consistent assessment process.

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Introduction to Ratings and Scoring

The Role and Impact of AI in Recruitment

AI Bias and Mitigation in Recruiting 

Candidate Scoring Areas 




   Interviewer Feedback Ratings 

   Overall Candidate Score Calculation: Comprehensive Evaluation 

   Overall Candidate Score Calculation: Scenarios and Examples 

Ethical Considerations and Fairness  


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Introduction to Ratings and Scoring 

When it comes to recruitment, the methods we use to evaluate and select candidates have evolved significantly. The introduction of sophisticated rating and scoring systems has transformed the hiring process, offering a more structured and data-driven approach to talent acquisition. 

Purpose of the Document 

This guide has been compiled to explain the intricacies of our ratings and scoring methodology. It highlights the key processes that inform our recruitment decisions. By offering these insights, we aim to establish trust with our clients, demonstrating our commitment to fairness and excellence in our recruitment practices. 

Significance of Ratings and Scoring 

Ratings and scoring are not merely about assigning numbers. These processes are rooted in the principles of objective assessment and merit-based selection. In every stage of recruitment — from the initial CV screening to the final interview — our scoring systems are designed to pinpoint the candidates who are not just qualified but who truly resonate with the role and the organisational ethos. 

The Role and Impact of AI in Recruitment 

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the recruitment domain. With its unparalleled capabilities to sift through vast datasets, AI streamlines the identification and evaluation of candidates, making the recruitment process faster and more accurate. 

Advantages of AI in Recruitment: 

  • Efficiency: AI can analyse multiple applications quickly, identifying the most promising candidates based on predefined criteria. 
  • Consistency: By applying the same evaluation metrics across all candidates, AI also ensures a uniform assessment process. 

While the introduction of AI in recruitment comes with many benefits, it also comes with the critical issue of bias. AI systems are only as objective as the data they’ve been trained on, and historical biases can emerge if not checked or resolved. 

Addressing Potential Biases: 

  • Conscious Implementation: We ensure our AI systems are deployed with an awareness of potential biases, performing checks and balances to maintain fairness. 
  • Proactive Fairness Measures: Regular audits and updates to AI algorithms are done to reduce and remove biases, ensuring our recruitment practices remain fair. 

In the next few sections, we move into the specifics of how AI aids in candidate scoring at the various stages. We also highlight the safeguards that are in place to maintain the integrity of this process. 

AI Bias and Mitigation in Recruiting 

Introduction to AI Bias in Recruiting 

As we integrate AI into our recruitment processes, we face a significant challenge: ensuring that this technology serves as a force for good, enhancing our ability to select candidates fairly and equitably. AI, with its capacity for rapid data analysis and decision-making, can accidentally become a channel for existing prejudices – if not guided correctly. 

Types of Bias in AI 

To understand and prevent AI bias, we must first identify its different forms: 

  • Data Bias: When AI learns from historical data that lacks diversity, it can develop a skewed understanding, leading to decisions that favour certain groups over others. 
  • Algorithmic Bias: The human touch in programming AI can unintentionally embed personal biases into the algorithms, which may overlook the potential in candidates outside a narrow set of criteria. 
  • Interaction Bias: AI can absorb and imitate biases shown by humans during its learning phase, mirroring our prejudiced actions and possibly reinforcing them. 

Addressing AI Bias 

In tackling these issues, we commit to a multi-faceted strategy: 

  • Regular Audits and Adjustments: We carry out frequent assessments of AI recommendations to identify and correct any biases, ensuring that our algorithms operate with fairness. 
  • Curating Diverse Data Sets: By training our AI on varied and inclusive data, we ensure it has a comprehensive understanding of the diverse candidate pool. 
  • Informed Algorithm Design: Our algorithms are crafted and periodically revised with the input of professionals to create fairness. 

Challenges and Ethical Considerations 

AI’s influence in recruiting necessitates a strong ethical framework. We rigorously ensure that our AI tools adhere to the highest ethical standards, avoiding any preservation of discrimination. This involves the use of balanced data, diligent algorithm design, and ongoing adjustments guided by ethical considerations. 

Candidate Scoring Areas 


Compatibility scoring is our first touchpoint with potential talent. This type of scoring is designed to measure how closely a candidate's background aligns with the job's requirements. This initial assessment paves the way for more in-depth evaluations, setting the stage for a mutually beneficial match between the candidate and your organisation. 

Detailing the AI-facilitated Rating Process: 

  • AI algorithms analyse CVs and job descriptions, extracting key data points such as experience, skills, and education. 
  • These data points are compared against the role's criteria to rate the candidate on various compatibility aspects. 

Rating Areas and Assessment Details: 

  • Qualifications: Evaluates the relevance and level of qualifications in relation to the job requirements. 
  • Experience: Assesses whether the candidate's professional background aligns with the experience needed for the role. 
  • Skills: Rates the candidate on specific skills crucial to the job, both technical and soft skills. 
  • Overall Rating: Provides a summary assessment of the candidate's overall fit based on qualifications, experience, and skills. 

Significance of Each Criterion: 

These criteria form a comprehensive image of the candidate's capabilities and how they align with the role, serving as a foundation for the screening and interview stages that follow. 

Reasoning Behind Assessment Criteria: 

These areas are assessed to ensure a holistic understanding of a candidate's potential contribution to the company. The compatibility score is not just about meeting the prerequisites; it's about predicting success and growth within the organisation. 

Calculation Logic for Converting Ratings to Scores: 

  • Individual ratings, on a scale of 1 to 5, are normalised and averaged to form a composite score. 
  • This score is then converted to a percentage, representing the candidate's compatibility when considered in isolation from other stages. 

Importance of Compatibility Scoring: 

Compatibility scoring goes beyond matching keywords. It's about understanding the nuances of a candidate’s potential to thrive in the role and the organisation's environment, which is essential for long-term success. 


Purpose and Importance:
The screening stage is where we consider the depth of a candidate's expertise and look at their personal attributes. This critical step ensures we only proceed with individuals who show a promising blend of skills and values matched to the role and our company culture. 

AI’s Role in Evaluating Responses: 

  • Advanced AI evaluates the intricacies of each response, providing a rating that reflects the candidate's potential to excel in the role. It ensures that responses are not only substantive but also relevant to the context of the position. 

Rating Areas and Assessment Details: 

  • Relevance of Answer: How well the answer addresses the question. 
  • Depth of Answer: The thoroughness and detail provided in the response. 
  • Enthusiasm and Passion: The energy and interest shown for the role and industry. 
  • Specific Examples: Concrete examples provided to substantiate claims and past achievements. 
  • Conciseness: The ability to communicate clearly and efficiently. 
  • Overall Rating: An aggregate score reflecting all aspects of the candidate's screening responses. 

The Significance of Screening Scoring: 

This multifaceted approach to screening allows us to gauge the candidate’s thought process, communication clarity, and genuine interest in the role – all of which are critical for successful job performance. 

Detailed Scoring Methodology: 

  • Candidates are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 for each question, with AI analysing not just content but also the nuances of expression, technical knowledge, and alignment with our ethos. 
  • These scores are averaged to derive a screening score that quantifies the candidate's alignment with the role's demands. 

The Significance of Screening Scoring:

Screening is an essential filter, delineating the boundary between those who are merely qualified and those who are truly prepared to contribute and grow with the business. It balances the quantitative insights provided by AI with the qualitative aspects that reflect a candidate's unique potential. 


The interview stage is a critical component of our recruitment process, providing a platform for in-depth evaluation of a candidate's suitability for the role. Through a series of structured conversations, we gain insights into the candidate's professional competencies, personal qualities, and potential fit within our team and company culture. 

Rating Areas and Assessment Details: 

  • Communication Skills: The ability to communicate effectively is fundamental across roles. We assess clarity of expression, listening skills, and how effectively candidates can convey complex ideas. 
  • Experience Relevance: We evaluate how a candidate's past experiences prepare them for the challenges they will face in the new role. This includes looking at the relevance of their work history and the transferability of their skills. 
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Critical thinking and the ability to approach problems creatively are assessed through scenario-based questions. Candidates may be asked to describe past situations where they solved a problem or to tackle hypothetical challenges. 
  • Leadership Potential: For roles that require leadership, we gauge candidates' ability to lead projects or teams, their approach to leadership, and past leadership experiences. 
  • Adaptability: The modern workplace is ever changing. Candidates' ability to adapt to change, learn new skills, and thrive in changing environments is crucial. 
  • Motivation Level: We seek to understand what drives candidates, why they are interested in the role, and how they envision their future with the company. 
  • Technical Proficiency: For roles with technical requirements, candidates' technical skills and knowledge are thoroughly evaluated. 
  • Collaborative Spirit: The ability to work well in a team is assessed through questions about past teamwork experiences and the candidate's approach to collaboration and conflict resolution. 
  • Growth Potential: We look for candidates who are eager to grow, both professionally and personally, in the organisation. This involves assessing their willingness to learn and tackle new challenges. 
  • Overall Rating: This culminates in an overarching assessment that considers all areas of the candidate's performance during the interview, providing a holistic view of their potential to excel in the role. 

Handling Multiple Interviews: 

  • In the event of multiple interview rounds, each is considered individually and cumulatively, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation from different perspectives within the company. 
  • The scores from each interview are averaged, providing a balanced assessment that accounts for any variability in interview contexts or interviewer perspectives. 

Integration into Overall Candidate Evaluation: 

The interview stage is pivotal, offering direct insights into a candidate's fit for the role and the company. These insights are integrated with the compatibility and screening scores to form a comprehensive view of the candidate's overall potential, guiding the final hiring decision. 


Our interview process is designed to be thorough and reflective, ensuring that we move forward with candidates who not only meet the technical requirements of the role but who will also be a positive, growth-oriented addition to our team. By carefully evaluating candidates across these diverse rating areas, we remain committed to upholding the highest standards of recruitment through AI. With this, we aim to help you fostering a dynamic and inclusive workplace. 

Interviewer Feedback Ratings 

In our pursuit of excellence within the recruitment process, we place great emphasis on the continuous improvement of our interviewers. The interviewer feedback ratings system is a cornerstone of this effort, enabling us to maintain high standards and promote a reflective practice among our interview teams. 

Rationale & Justification:

This feedback mechanism serves several critical functions: 

  • Enhancing Interview Quality: By evaluating our interviewers, we ensure that each candidate encounters a professional, respectful, and engaging interview experience. 
  • Professional Development: Feedback ratings offer interviewers actionable insights into their interviewing style and areas for growth, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. 
  • Upholding Company Standards: These ratings help in reinforcing our commitment to fairness, inclusivity, and thoroughness in the recruitment process. 

Explanation of Ratings: 

  • Preparation Rating: Assesses how well the interviewer has reviewed the candidate's application and whether they’ve prepared meaningful, role-specific questions. This reflects the interviewer's diligence and commitment to conducting a productive interview. 
  • Question Quality Rating: Evaluates the relevance and depth of the questions asked, ensuring they effectively probe the candidate's suitability and potential contributions to the role and company. 
  • Communication Skills Rating: Gauges the interviewer's ability to communicate clearly and create a comfortable, engaging dialogue. This includes listening actively and responding thoughtfully to the candidate's answers. 
  • Feedback Interaction Rating: Measures the quality of feedback provided to the candidate, focusing on its constructiveness, relevance, and delivery. This is crucial for candidates to understand their performance and how they might fit within the company. 
  • Overall Impression Rating: Summarises the general demeanour and professionalism of the interviewer, including their ability to represent the company positively and make the candidate feel valued and respected. 

Integration into Recruitment Processes:

The feedback gathered through these ratings is integral to our recruitment strategy. It informs: 

  • Training Programs: Identifying common areas for improvement and tailoring training sessions to enhance interviewing skills across the team. 
  • Performance Reviews: Contributing to a comprehensive understanding of an interviewer's strengths and areas for development within their broader professional responsibilities. 
  • Recruitment Enhancements: Continuously refining our recruitment processes based on the insights gained from interviewer performance. 

The interviewer feedback ratings are not merely evaluative but transformative, driving forward our mission to excel in every aspect of the recruitment journey. By focusing on the development of our interviewers, we aim to enhance the candidate experience, uphold the company's reputation, and ensure that our recruitment practices remain second to none. 

Overall Candidate Score Calculation: Comprehensive Evaluation 


The overall candidate score is a cumulative measure that evolves as candidates advance through the recruitment process. It provides a full picture of their aptitude and compatibility with the role, offering a dynamic assessment at each stage. 

The Evolving Candidate Score: 

As candidates progress, their overall score is recalculated to reflect new information and assessments. This ensures that at any point in the process, we have an up-to-date evaluation: 

  • After Compatibility Assessment: The score reflects the foundational match between the candidate's qualifications and the job requirements (calculations detailed earlier). 
  • Post Screening Stage: This score includes deeper insights into the candidate’s knowledge and cultural fit, weighing the compatibility and screening assessments appropriately (calculations detailed earlier). 
  • Following the First Interview: Here, the score accounts for direct interactions with the candidate, adding a layer of interpersonal and problem-solving evaluation (calculations detailed earlier). 
  • After Subsequent Interviews: Should there be additional interviews, these are integrated into the score, providing a rounded view of the candidate through multiple professional lenses (calculations detailed earlier). 
  • Special Cases (e.g., Screening Skipped): Adjustments to the weighting reflect the candidate's direct progression to interviews, ensuring that the overall score remains an equitable and comprehensive assessment (calculations detailed earlier). 

Overall Candidate Score Calculation: Scenarios and Examples 

The overall candidate score evolves with the candidate through the recruitment process. The scoring system adapts as the candidate progresses through different stages, ensuring an up-to-date evaluation. Below are the specific scenarios with examples: 

Compatibility only: 

The compatibility score is calculated out of 100 based on the average of four ratings, each out of 5. 

  • Example: If the candidate has compatibility scores of 4, 4, 5, and 3: 
  • Compatibility Score = (( 4 + 4 + 5 + 3​) / 20 ) × 100 = 80%  
  • The candidate score is 80% at this stage. 

Compatibility + Screening: 

Compatibility and screening scores are weighted differently (40% and 60%, respectively). 

  • Example: If a candidate's compatibility score is 80% and the average screening score is 90%:  
  • Candidate Score=( 80 × 0.4)  + ( 90 × 0.6 ) = 86% 

Interview 1 + Screening + Compatibility: 

The candidate score is a weighted average where the interview score has a 50% weighting, compatibility 20%, and screening 30%. 

  • Example: If the candidate's Interview 1 score is 85%: 
  • Candidate Score = ( 80 × 0.2 ) + ( 90 × 0.3 ) + ( 85 × 0.5 ) = 85.5% 

Interview 2 + Interview 1 + Screening + Compatibility: 

Scores from two interviews are averaged and then weighted along with the other scores. 

  • Example: If the candidate's Interview 2 score is 95%: 
  • Candidate Score=( 80 × 0.2 ) + ( 90 × 0.3 ) + (( 85 + 95 ) / 2 ) × 0.5 ) = 87.5% 

If Screening Skipped & Screening Score = ZERO (0): 

Adjustments are made to the weightings of compatibility (35%) and interviews (65%) if the screening score is zero. 

  • Example: If a candidate skips screening and has interview scores of 85% and 95%: 
  • Candidate Score = ( 80 × 0.35 ) + ( 0 × 0 ) + (( 85 + 95 ) / 2) × 0.65 ) =  88.25% 

Interpreting the Overall Score: 

The overall score serves as a guide for final decision-making, offering a quantifiable reflection of the candidate’s journey: 

  • A high overall score suggests a candidate who is likely to excel and bring a strong, positive impact to the role and company. 
  • A moderate score may indicate the need for further review or consideration of development potential. 
  • A lower score might prompt a re-evaluation of the candidate's fit for the role or the need for additional information. 

Considerations and Final Decision: 

In the final analysis, while the overall score is highly informative, it is one of several factors considered. Human judgment and the nuances of each unique hiring situation also play a significant role in the decision. 

The overall candidate score, therefore, is not used in isolation but as part of a holistic approach that includes the candidate’s portfolio, references, and other relevant data points to make the best hiring decisions. 


The overall candidate score is the product of a vigorous and adaptive system designed to fairly and accurately evaluate a candidate's potential. By systematically bringing together scores from various stages with a consistent methodology, we ensure fairness and depth in our recruitment practices, enabling us to build a team of dedicated and capable professionals. 

Ethical Considerations and Fairness 

When it comes to recruitment, ethical considerations and fairness is essential. 

Fairness in AI and Human Scoring Systems: 

We understand the power of AI in augmenting our decision-making capabilities, yet we remain vigilant of its limitations. Ethical AI use is vital, and that’s why our human scoring systems are designed to complement AI assessments, ensuring a balanced and fair approach. 

Addressing and Adjusting for Potential Biases: 

  • Continuous Monitoring: We employ ongoing monitoring to detect and address any biases that may arise in our scoring systems. 
  • Diverse Data Sets: We curate diverse datasets to train our AI, aiming to represent the multifaceted nature of the global talent pool. 
  • Human Oversight: Decisions are not solely reliant on AI; human oversight plays a critical role in interpreting scores and understanding the context behind the data. 

Commitment to Ethical Recruiting Practices: 

  • Transparency: We maintain transparency throughout our recruitment process, openly communicating the mechanics behind our scoring systems. 
  • Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for the decisions made by our AI, ensuring that every score and the resulting decision upholds our ethical standards. 
  • Education and Training: We invest in education and training for our staff to understand AI bias and the importance of diversity and fairness in recruiting. 

By intertwining ethical practices with technological advancements, we strive to create a recruitment process that is not only efficient and effective but also just and unbiased. 


Recapitulation of Key Points: 

This document has outlined the integral components of our ratings and scoring systems in the recruitment process. It has detailed the role of AI and human judgment in candidate evaluations and emphasised the importance of fairness and ethical considerations. 

Continuous Improvement and Ethical Commitment: 

We pledge to continuously refine our recruitment processes, seeking improvements that align with technological advancements and evolving ethical standards. We’re committed to a recruitment strategy that is not only effective but also equitable and transparent. 

In conclusion, our recruitment philosophy and practices are shaped by our dedication to finding the best talent while upholding the highest standards of fairness and ethics. We remain dedicated to nurturing a workplace that values diversity, encourages professional growth, and fosters a culture of respect and opportunity for all. 

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