What to Do If Your Therapist Has Not Joined Your Session

If Your Therapist Has Not Joined

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We understand that sometimes unexpected issues may delay your therapist's arrival to your session. Here are some steps you can take to handle the situation and ensure a smooth experience on our platform.

Step 1: Refresh Your Page

A simple refresh can often resolve minor technical issues. Please refresh your browser page to help establish a strong connection.

Step 2: Send a Message

While waiting, please send a quick message to your therapist using the session’s chat feature. Let them know you are ready and waiting for them. This can help confirm that you are both properly connected and prepared.

Step 3: Wait Patiently

Please allow up to 10 minutes for your therapist to join the session. We appreciate your patience and understanding, as sometimes last-minute emergencies or technical difficulties can cause delays.

Step 4: Ending the Session

If your therapist does not join within 10 minutes, you are free to end the session. Please inform the Customer Support team to ensure your session is credited.


Thank you for your understanding and patience. These moments, while frustrating, are rare, and your flexibility helps maintain a supportive and compassionate therapeutic environment.

Need Further Assistance?

Should you encounter repeated issues or need additional support, our Customer Support Team is here to help. Contact us anytime for assistance.

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