Feature Overview: Ask a Therapist

This article explains the feature overview of the Ask a Therapist Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Ask a Therapist feature is a vital component of our Wellbeing section, providing you with the opportunity to connect with therapists and coaches for professional support in mental wellbeing and personal growth.

The Ask a Therapist feature aims to facilitate text-based communication between you and your coach or therapist. This is a space where you can receive timely and personalised support from someone who matches your specific needs and preferences.


To use the "Ask a Therapist" feature, all you need are valid credentials to log in and navigate to the Wellbeing tab in the menu to the left of your screen. All therapists and coaches should also have registered profiles within the system.

Accessing the Feature

Here are the steps to access this feature:

  1. Log in to your Plumm account.
  2. Hover over the "Wellbeing" section in the grey menu to the left of your screen and click on the "Ask a Therapist" tab that automatically appears in the drop-down menu.
  3. You will see a chat open up with your assigned Therapist. You can start chatting with them immediately about anything you need support with.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

The "Ask a Therapist" feature includes:

  • A user-friendly space for chatting with your therapist.
  • Notifications that will inform you when you have a new message from your therapist.
  • The name and specialisation of your therapist.
  • The date and time of messages exchanged.
  • The ability to share attachments, GIFs, and emojis.

Section 2: Advanced Features

Advanced functionalities of the "Ask a Therapist" feature include:

  • A notification system that keeps both you and your therapist informed.
  • End-to-end encryption to protect your privacy and maintain confidentiality in the chat.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to help you make the most of the Ask a Therapist feature:

  • Communicate clearly and openly to ensure you receive the best support possible.
  • Keep an eye on notifications to ensure timely responses and avoid communication gaps with your therapist.
  • Maintain professionalism and confidentiality in all messages exchanged between you and your assigned therapist.
  • Let your therapist/coach know when you are busy and communicate the expected turnaround time for replies to manage expectations and maintain consistent engagement.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Issue: Delay in receiving therapist responses.

Solution: Alternatively, you can reach out to Emma for immediate support and further referral. You can also reach out to Plumm Customer Support on live chat or via email at hello@heyplumm.com with your query.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I search for therapists with specific specialties?

A1: No, you cannot search for specific therapists because Plumm does the matchmaking for you to save you the trouble! Our system will match you to the right professional who best matches your preferences and needs.

Q2: Can therapists and clients view message history?

A2: Yes, both parties have access to message history should they wish to refer back to previous conversations.

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