Certification Requirement for Providers

Each provider registered on Plumm is certified and verified. We will need certificates for each of the modalities that you wish to offer on Plumm in order to build trust and confidence amongst clients

Please visit the minimum qualifications for individual modalities for more details.

We understand that in some cases, you might not possess any of these certificates but are equally skilled as certified providers. However, to ensure the best quality services for clients and build a trustworthy platform, these certificates are mandatory to be submitted. There are numerous ways to obtain the certificates such as;

  1. In-person coaching.

  2. Online certification depending on the Modality.

  3. You may message and ask our practitioners and take their suggestions.

  4. You may even book sessions with our providers to discuss how and from where they received their certificate of expertise. 


If you need additional assistance, please contact Customer Support.😊