Feature Overview: Company

This article provides an overview of the Company feature Access: Admin/Managers

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Welcome to the Company feature on the Plumm platform - your dedicated platform for mental health, HR, and personal growth support. This guide will walk you through the steps of accessing and utilising this feature to enhance your company's profile.

Purpose and benefits:

The Company Page provides a comprehensive view of your company's details, allowing you to access, manage, and showcase key information. Update your company's profile efficiently and keep your team informed.


Before you access the Company feature, check whether you have the necessary permissions as an admin to do so. It's also important to ensure tat you have the necessary information about your company in hand, including details such as the company photo, address, contact information, and billing details.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Navigate to the left menu bar.
  2. Click on "Admin."
  3. In the submenu, select "Company."

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

The Company feature offers the following basic functionalities:

  • View Company Information: Access and update all relevant information about your company.
  • Package Information: Find details of the package your organisation is subscribed to.

Step-by-step instructions on performing basic tasks:

  1. Click on "Company Page" in the submenu.
  2. Explore the displayed company information.
  3. Check package details on the right section.
  4. Update information as needed.

Section 2: Advanced Features

For advanced functionalities, the Company feature allows you to:

  • Upload a company photo: Personalise your company profile.
  • Edit contact details: Manage primary and secondary contacts.

Use cases or scenarios where these features might be applicable:

  • Profile Enhancement: Showcase your company's identity.
  • Contact Management: Keep contact details up to date.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

For efficient use of the Company Page feature, consider the following:

  • Quick Edits: Use the save button at the bottom after making changes.
  • Complete Information: Ensure all fields are filled for a comprehensive profile.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common problems or errors users may encounter:

  • Difficulty accessing the Company feature.
  • Errors while saving updated information.

Step-by-step solutions or workarounds for these issues:

  1. Check your permissions to access the Admin menu.
  2. Refreshing your page and try logging out and logging back in.
  3. If issues persist, contact support at hello@plummhealth.com

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How do I upload a company photo?

A1: Navigate to the Company Page, click on "Upload Photo," choose the image, and save changes.

Q2: Can I edit the primary contact email?

A2: No, the primary contact email is associated with the company. For changes, contact your CSM.

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