Data Preparation

The data migration process is a critical component of transitioning to the Plumm HR platform. Properly prepared and organised data ensures a seamless integration, allowing your organisation to fully leverage the capabilities of the Plumm platform.

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Understanding the Importance of Clean and Organised Data

  • Significance of Data Quality: The effectiveness of the Plumm platform largely depends on the quality and organization of the data you provide. Clean, accurate, and well-structured data leads to more efficient processes, better analytics, and a smoother transition.
  • Historical Data: Historical data is invaluable for trend analysis and informed decision-making. Ensure that you capture not just current but also historical data from your existing systems.

Identifying Necessary Data Types

  • Common Data Categories: Employee details, leave records, performance evaluations, training records, and organizational structure are typical categories of data needed.
  • Custom Fields: Identify any unique data fields your organisation uses and ensure these are captured in the export process.
  • Formats and Standards: Understand the required formats (e.g., CSV, Excel) and data standards for Plumm to ensure compatibility.


Guidance on Data Extraction

  • Assessment of Current System: Investigate your current HRIS or other systems to determine their data export capabilities. This might require consultation with your current provider.
  • Step-by-Step Extraction Guide: Develop a comprehensive guide or checklist to walk through the data extraction process. This should include:
    • Instructions for accessing and exporting data from your current system.
    • Steps to ensure data integrity during the export process.
    • Tips for organizing data files post-export for efficient migration.


Ensuring Comprehensive Data Transfer

  • Maximise Data Utilisation: The more detailed data you can transfer, the more robust your Plumm platform setup will be. Aim to include as much relevant data as possible.
  • Critical Data Identification: Pinpoint critical data elements that are essential for your initial setup on Plumm and prioritise these in the migration process.


Additional Insights and Considerations

  • Data Cleaning: Before migration, it is crucial to clean the data. This involves removing duplicates, correcting errors, and standardising data formats. Clean data ensures accuracy and reliability in your new system.
  • Data Security: During the extraction and transfer process, maintain high data security standards to protect sensitive information. Use secure methods for data transfer and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Trial Run: Consider conducting a trial data migration with a subset of your data. This allows you to identify potential issues and address them before the full-scale migration.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of the data migration process. This documentation should include what data was migrated, any issues encountered, and how they were resolved.
  • Partner Collaboration: If possible, work closely with your current provider and the Plumm team during the migration process. Their expertise can be invaluable in ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Employee Communication: Inform your employees about the data migration process, especially if it requires their involvement or impacts their daily work.
  • Post-Migration Validation: After migrating your data to the Plumm platform, conduct a thorough validation to ensure all data has been accurately transferred and is functioning as expected within the new system.
  • Training on Data Management: Provide training for your team on how to effectively manage and utilise data within the Plumm platform. This will maximise the benefits of your new HRIS system.


By following these guidelines and considerations, you can ensure that your organisation's transition to the Plumm platform is efficient, secure, and sets the foundation for successful HR management and employee engagement.

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