Feature Overview: People's Tasks

This article explains the feature overview of People's Tasks Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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Welcome to the Tasks Page! This feature is designed to make managing your tasks a breeze. Whether you're a manager overseeing a team or an admin handling the whole organisation, this feature is here to streamline your task management experience. The main goal of this enhancement is to simplify task management, improve visibility, and help you get things done more efficiently.



Before diving in, make sure you have:

  • Access to the platform with the necessary permissions.
  • Familiarity with the existing navigation menu.
  • Have admin permissions.

Accessing the Feature

Let's get started on accessing the Tasks Page:

  1. Log in to the platform. 
  2. Look for the "Tasks" menu in the navigation menu.

  3. Select "People's Tasks" from the submenu.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

1.1. People's Tasks Page

"People's Tasks" is for managers and administrators to handle tasks assigned to other team members.

  • Admins get an overview of tasks assigned across the whole organisation.

  • Managers can view and manage tasks assigned to their team members.

  • Complete tasks on behalf of other team members.

  • Use filters to search to find what you need swiftly.

Section 2: Advanced Features

2.1 Task Types and Details

Tasks come in different types, each with specific details like task name, assigner, status, linked item, task type, assignment date, due date, and completion date.

  • Get more info by clicking on a task.

  • Understand the context for completing tasks.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Use the expand/collapse feature for smooth navigation.
  • Filters and the search bar are your friends for quickly finding tasks.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Issue: Tasks are not showing up correctly.

Solution: Refresh the page for the latest data.

Issue: Problems marking tasks as complete.

Solution: Ensure that you have the correct permissions to make the tasks as complete for the user.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How do I mark a task as complete?

A1: Just go to the task in "My Tasks" or "People's Tasks" and use the "Mark as Complete" option.

Q2: Can managers delete tasks on behalf of their team members?

A2: Absolutely! Managers can delete tasks assigned to their team members in the "People's Tasks" section.

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