Feature Enhancement: Downloading of Tables

This article explains the latest enhancements in the table downloads feature. Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our table download feature, designed to substantially improve our platform's usability for customers, users, and partners. This update introduces the capability to download various tables as Excel sheets, expanding the flexibility for data manipulation and usage. Initially, this feature will support the download of eight crucial tables:

  • My Goals

  • People's Goals

  • Department Goals

  • 1-on-1's

  • My Tasks

  • People's Tasks

  • My Time Off

  • People's Time Off


Our commitment is to empower our customers by providing greater control over and better access to their data. Recognising a strong demand for improved data accessibility and manipulation capabilities, we've aimed to enhance the table download feature to fulfil these needs promptly and effectively.


Benefits for Customers:

  • Expanded Data Access: This enhancement allows users to download tables from essential platform sections such as Goals, 1-on-1, Tasks, and Time Off, significantly improving the ability to leverage data for reporting, analysis, and planning.

  • Enhanced User Experience: The process of downloading these tables is simplified to a click, streamlining the experience and saving valuable time for our users.

  • Increased Flexibility: Providing data tables as Excel sheets offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling users to customise and analyse their data according to their specific requirements.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

In anticipation of potential challenges with this new feature, we've implemented the following strategies:

    • Risk: Potential user confusion regarding the implementation of this new feature. Mitigation: We will provide detailed support documentation and instructional videos to guide users through the new process smoothly.

    • Risk: Concerns over data integrity and security with the new download capabilities. Mitigation: We're committed to the strict management and secure storage of downloadable data. Additionally, we will offer guidance and support to users on best practices for data use and storage to safeguard their information.


This enhancement comes at no additional cost, ensuring that our users can enjoy the improved functionality without impacting their budget.

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