Feature Overview: eSign

This article explains the feature overview of eSign. Access: Admin/Managers/Users

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Experience the convenience of digital signatures with our eSign feature, a powerful addition to our Hire tool. eSign is designed to streamline your document management and signing processes. You can now efficiently organise, customise, and execute documents requiring signatures, all within a secure and user-friendly environment.


  • Admin access to create templates and documents in the eSign feature.

  • You'll need to have eSign activated as a feature in your company's package.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Log into the platform and navigate to "Admin" in the main menu.

  2. Locate the eSign feature in the drop-down menu and click on it.

  3. Explore the functionalities of your new document creation and tracking hub.

Detailed Feature Guide

Basic Features


  • Create new templates and edit existing ones

  • Create a great template for anything from work contracts, offer letters, policies, and more to kickstart your document creation process

Requested Signatures

  • Keep track of documents sent out for signatures along with their status, ensuring visibility into every crucial agreement.

Advanced Features

Creating and Customising Templates

  • Effortlessly add a new template, specifying roles and uploading documents.

  • Customise your documents with drag-and-drop elements like signatures, dates, checkboxes, and text boxes for a tailored fit.

Sending Documents for Signatures

  • Send off your documents with a personalised message to the designated signees by entering their names and email addresses.

  • Track document status to ensure timely actions.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Issue: Not receiving email notifications for document actions.

Solution: Check your spam folder and ensure that the email addresses are correctly entered. If the issue persists, contact support.

Issue: Documents not appearing in the requested signatures tracker page.

Solution: Refresh your document hub or check if the document was successfully sent. For recurring issues, reach out to our support team for assistance.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How do I know if a document has been signed?

A1: The status of the document will be updated in the requested signatures tracker, and you'll receive an email with a signed copy of the document once it's been signed by all parties.


Q2: Can I edit a document after sending it out for signatures?

A2: Once a document is sent out, it cannot be edited. However, you can retract the document, make necessary edits, and resend it for signatures.


For any further inquiries or support, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team at hello@heyplumm.com. Embrace the simplicity and efficiency of digital signatures with E-Sign, your go-to for secure and streamlined document handling.

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