Feature Overview: Goals

This article explains the feature overview of the Goals Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Goals Page is a central and essential section of the platform, serving users, managers, and admins as a hub for efficient goal management. It is designed to streamline the process by providing a comprehensive platform for tracking, managing, and updating goals effortlessly. With the assistance of our AI feature, crafting and monitoring your goals becomes a seamless and effortless task, all within this centralised location, making progress tracking and goal manipulation a breeze.

Accessing the Feature

Step-by-step instructions on how to access the feature:

  1. Select 'People' from the main menu.
  2. Access the Goals page from the sub-menu.
  3. Effectively navigate and track your goals and progress or your team's goals.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

The Goals Page provides users with:

  • Visibility into historical progress over 12 months.
  • Summary of in-progress, completed, and unstarted goals.
  • Pie chart illustrating status distribution of current goals.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

Additional tips or shortcuts for efficient use:

  • Streamline goal creation by adding predefined objectives.
  • Regularly review goal progress to ensure alignment with objectives.

Best practices for utilising the feature effectively:

  • Keep goal descriptions concise and specific.
  • Update goal statuses accurately to reflect progress.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common problems or errors users may encounter:

  • Issues updating goal statuses.
  • Difficulty in managing multiple objectives within a goal.

Step-by-step solutions or workarounds for these issues:

  • Refresh the page and attempt status update again.
  • Break down complex objectives into smaller, manageable tasks.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How can I create a new goal?

A1: To create a new goal, navigate to the Goals Subpage, click on "Add New Goal," and fill in the required details such as title, description, due date, assignee, and visibility settings. Additionally, choose whether it's an individual or team goal.

Q2: Can I edit existing goals and their details?

A2: Yes, administrators can edit existing goals by clicking on the goal name. This opens a window where you can update goal details, objectives, and visibility settings.

Q3: What are the different ways to measure progress within goals?

A3: Goals can be measured through various targets including binary (complete/incomplete), numeric, percentage-based, or currency-based measures. Each measure requires different inputs to track progress effectively.

Q4: How can I track the progress of my assigned goals?

A4: To track goal progress, access the Goals Subpage where you'll find a list of assigned goals. Check the progress percentage, due date, and available actions (delete, edit, duplicate) associated with each goal.

Q5: Can managers view their team's goals?

A5: Yes, managers have access to view the total count of goals assigned to their teams. You can also monitor the overall average progress percentage towards all assigned goals by your team members.

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