Feature Overview: Group View

This article explains the feature overview of the Group View Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Group View feature within the People section provides users with a comprehensive and visually engaging way to explore and understand the diversity and distribution of team members based on key attributes. This feature allows you to group and analyse individuals within your organisation based on factors such as Gender, Location, language spoken, Department, Job Title, and more, including personal preferences like Hobbies, Food Preference, Nationality, and other customisable attributes.

Purpose and Benefits

  • Enhanced Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your team's composition across various dimensions.
  • Efficient Collaboration: Identify and connect with colleagues based on shared attributes.
  • Strategic Planning: Use the information to inform decisions related to team structure and resource allocation.


Before using the Group View feature, ensure you have:

  • Plumm Account: You must have a registered Plumm account.

Accessing the Feature

Follow these steps to access the Group View feature:

  1. Log in to your Plumm account.
  2. Navigate to the "People" section.
  3. Select "Group View."

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Gender

Explore the gender distribution within your organisation.


  1. Navigate to "Group View."
  2. Choose the "Gender" tab.
  3. Visualise the distribution of male and female team members.

Section 2: Location

Understand the geographic spread of your team members.


  1. Access "Group View."
  2. Select the "Location" tab.
  3. Explore the geographical distribution of team members.

Section 3: Languages Spoken

Identify the languages spoken by your team.


  1. Go to "Group View."
  2. Click on the "Languages" tab.
  3. Review the languages spoken within the organisation.

Section 4: Department

Explore the composition of different departments.


  1. Log in and open "Group View."
  2. Choose the "Department" tab.
  3. Analyse the distribution of team members across departments.

Section 5: Job Title

Understand the hierarchy and roles within the organisation.


  1. Navigate to "Group View."
  2. Click on the "Job Title" tab.
  3. Explore the distribution of team members based on their roles.

Section 6: Custom Attributes (e.g., Hobbies, Food Preferences, Nationality)

Customise your Group View with additional attributes.


  1. Access "Group View."
  2. Choose the "Add More" tab.
  3. Add or remove attributes to tailor the view to your preferences.

Tips and Tricks

  • Custom Grouping: Utilise the custom grouping option for more tailored insights.
  • Interactive Filters: Experiment with filters to refine your group view based on specific criteria.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common Problems:

  1. Incomplete Data: If some team members' information is missing, contact your HR department for updates. This will add to a more holistic picture on the Group View Feature if the team has updated their preferences and details.


  1. Notify HR about the missing information.
  2. Check for updates after HR resolves the issue.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I export the group view data for reporting purposes?

A1: Currently, the export feature is unavailable. You may want to take a screenshot if needed.

Q2: How often is the group view data updated?

A2: The group view data is typically updated in real-time. However, delays may occur during system updates.

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