How can a Provider increase their bookings

Therapist seeking to increase bookings/appointments

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We understand that receiving new client bookings can vary throughout the year, and we want to provide some helpful tips to increase your profile visibility and attract more clients. While we can't guarantee bookings, here are some suggestions:

  1. Review your availability: Take a look at your available slots and consider increasing the number of options, including various times of the day. Morning slots, particularly between 7-8 AM UK time, and evening slots from 5-8 PM UK time tend to be popular among clients. By offering a wider range of availability, you increase your chances of attracting bookings.

  2. Diversify your conditions: Ensure that the conditions listed on your profile cover a wide range of topics. When clients search for a provider, they often look for specific conditions. Adding additional suitable conditions to your profile can significantly enhance your visibility and increase the likelihood of attracting clients.

While we can't control the exact number of bookings you'll receive, taking these steps will improve your profile's appeal and visibility to potential clients. Remember, our goal is to support you in connecting with clients and providing them with valuable therapy. 

If you need additional assistance, please contact Customer Support. 😊

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