How To Remove / Deactivate A User

Begin by logging into the Plumm platform with your administrative credentials.
Once logged in, navigate to the admin section of the platform. You can usually find this option in the main menu.
Inside the admin section, look for and select the "My People" or similar user management option. Click on it to access your user list.
Within the "My People" section, you'll see a list of your current users. To deactivate or remove a user, identify the specific user(s) you wish to deactivate. You can select one or multiple users.
After selecting the user(s), you'll notice that the "More Actions" or similar icon changes its appearance. Click on this icon to access additional actions.
Among the available actions, you'll find an option to "Schedule User Deactivation." Click on this option to proceed.
A dialogue box or form will appear, allowing you to specify the deactivation date and provide a reason for deactivation. Fill in the required details.
If you decide not to proceed with the deactivation, you can cancel the process by selecting the appropriate option, often labeled "Cancel Deactivation" or similar.
Alternatively, you can choose to download the specific user's details from the table for record-keeping purposes.
If you're ready to proceed with the deactivation, click "Save" or a similar confirmation button.
Confirm the deactivation by clicking "Confirm" or a similar confirmation button.
The selected user is now scheduled for deactivation, and the process will take effect on the specified deactivation date.