Feature Overview: Import

This article explains the feature overview of the Import Functionality Access: Admin/Managers

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Welcome to the "Import" feature in the Admin section – a powerful tool designed to simplify and expedite the process of adding data into the system. This feature empowers managers to effortlessly import data, streamlining the data handling and management process. By utilising this feature, managers can efficiently bring in large datasets, ensuring accuracy and consistency in your organisation's records.

Efficient Data Management:

The "Import" feature is all about efficiency in data management. Whether you are onboarding new employees, updating contact information, or importing crucial datasets, this tool provides a swift and accurate mechanism to bulk-import data into the system. Save time and reduce the likelihood of errors by harnessing the capabilities of the Import feature.

Bulk Data Uploads Made Simple:

Say goodbye to manual data entry hassles. With the "Import" feature, managers can perform bulk data uploads with ease. This not only expedites the data input process but also ensures that large datasets, such as employee records or project details, can be seamlessly integrated into the system, promoting a more efficient workflow.

Data Accuracy and Consistency:

Maintaining accurate and consistent data is crucial for organisational success. The Import feature ensures that data integrity is upheld by providing a structured process for importing information. Managers can confidently import data, knowing that the system adheres to predefined data validation rules, reducing the risk of errors and discrepancies.

Customisable Mapping for Flexibility:

Adapt the import process to your specific needs with customisable mapping options. The Import feature allows managers to map imported data fields to corresponding fields within the system. This flexibility ensures that data is correctly aligned with the system's structure, accommodating variations in data formats and sources.


Access to the "Import" feature is exclusive to administrators and managers within your organisation. Ensure you have the necessary administrative permissions to initiate and manage data imports.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Log in to your Plumm admin account.
  2. Navigate to the "Admin" section through the main menu.
  3. Click on "Settings" in the pop-up menu.
  4. Now navigate to "Import" on the right hand side of your screen and click on it to access the import feature.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

Importing Data:

  • Look at the list of required groups of information and decide where you would like to import information.
  • Initiate the data import process by clicking on the three dots next to the item and then selecting the "Import" option from the pop-up menu. Alternatively, you can click on "Logs" in the pop-up menu if you'd simply like to see history of uploaded files.
  • To continue with importing, choose the data file to be imported, ensuring it adheres to the supported formats. Download the template by clicking the "download template here" button.
  • Once uploaded, click "next"

Section 2: Advanced Features
Data Validation:

  • Benefit from built-in data validation rules to maintain accuracy and consistency.
  • Receive feedback on any data discrepancies or errors during the import process.

Historical Data Imports:

  • Easily import historical data, ensuring that past records are seamlessly integrated into the system.
  • Preserve a comprehensive historical dataset within your Plumm platform.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Pre-import Data Cleaning: Cleanse data before importing to enhance accuracy.
  • Regular Data Backups: Regularly back up your data to safeguard against accidental data loss during imports.
  • Collaborative Data Import Planning: Involve relevant team members in the import planning process for comprehensive data alignment.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common Problems:

  1. File Format Errors: If encountering issues with the file format, ensure that the data file is in a supported format (ie. CSV)


  1. Verify the file format.
  2. Contact Plumm support for further assistance.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I import data from multiple sources simultaneously?

A: Yes, you can import data from multiple sources simultaneously. Ensure that each data file adheres to the supported formats ex. CSV format.

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