Import Data User Guide (Part 1)

This user guide shows the importance of data integrity, the different fields needed for each upload as well as a step-by-step guide on how to import data.

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The importance of Proper data:  

Ensuring that proper data is uploaded onto a new site is crucial for several reasons, encompassing functionality, accuracy, security, and user experience. 


Proper data upload ensures that the website functions as intended. 


Uploading accurate data is essential for the integrity of the information presented on the website 


Ensuring that only authorised and correct data is uploaded helps in maintaining the security of the website. Data breaches and security vulnerabilities can arise if incorrect or sensitive information is mishandled during the upload process 


Depending on the nature of the data, there may be legal and regulatory requirements for handling and storing certain information. Proper data upload ensures compliance with privacy laws and industry regulations 

Data Integrity:

Maintaining data integrity is essential for businesses relying on accurate and up-to-date information. 

Migration and Integration:

When transitioning from an old site to a new one, proper data upload is crucial for a smooth migration process. It ensures that historical data, user accounts, and other relevant information are seamlessly transferred. 

All the import Templates can be found by logging in, Clicking on Admin > Settings > Import Tab.  Or click on the links below:

  1. Add Staff  (necessary to add basic staff details before updating their details)
  2. Update Staff Details
  3. Manager Details
  4. Work History
  5. Time Off Settings
  6. Time Off Data
  7. Goals

Please ensure that you carefully read the instructions included with each import template to ensure that the data is entered in the correct format and all necessary considerations are made before attempting to import. This will help to reduce the need to redo or update any incorrect or missing data. (VIDEO TO BE INCLUDED)

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