Import Data User Guide (Part 2)

To set up your organisation and allow for a seamless import process, it will be helpful to prepare the information discussed below.

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It is advisable to have all this information on hand and to easily add this information to your organisation before initiating your import process.

    • Add relevant document folders in both company and user documents sections and adjust sharing settings as needed.
Working Schedules:
    • Create and add relevant working schedules.
      • Schedule Name
      • Working days and hours
      • Non-working day hours (used if leave is deducted from non-working days)
    • Determine the applicable calendars and check if this information can be exported from the current platform. 
    • Establish locations, incorporating previously created working schedules and calendars.
    • Each location will include:
      • Name
      • Working Schedule (previously created)
      • Calendar (previously created)
General Settings:
    • Update the ROI currency to be applicable to your organisation
    • Prepare a company letterhead image for handbook documents generated (not mandatory). Dimensions: 1200 x 180 pixels.
Data Import Steps:
    • After setting up the above elements, proceed with the import of your data that you have updated the Plumm import templates with, ensuring all information is accurate and complete.
    • Once this is complete, all the settings and data can be validated and adjusted if needed before the go live date.
Time Off:
    • Verify time off settings post-import, or if not imported, create time off policy types and assign users accordingly once all other information has been updated or imported to the platform.

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