Feature Overview: Insights

This article provides an overview of the Insights feature Access: Admin

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The Insights Page provides valuable information and analytics to help you understand and optimise your platform usage. This guide will walk you through the steps to access, use, and benefit from the various features within the Insights Page.

Purpose and Benefits

The Insights Page is designed to offer in-depth insights into different aspects of your platform usage, including user engagement, HR solutions, well-being, and Return on Investment (ROI). By leveraging these insights, you can make informed decisions, identify trends, and enhance the overall efficiency of your platform.


Before using the Insights Page, ensure that you have:

  • Super admin access to the platform.

Accessing the Feature

Follow these steps to access the Insights Page:

  1. Navigate to the left side menu bar and click on "Admin."
  2. A sub-menu will appear; click on "Insights."

Note: Only super admins can access this page.

  1. Use the date filter to select the desired time range for your insights.

Screenshots or videos for visual guidance (if applicable).

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features


  • Total users and registered users with percentages.
  • Userwise growth indicators.
  • User breakdown by department.
  • Company Mood Tracker.
  • Locations and user distribution on a map.


  • Team goal status with a circle chart.
  • Line chart showing goal status over time.
  • People's tasks status with a circle chart.
  • Line chart displaying task status history.

Time Off:

  • Amount of leave taken by policy types.
  • Breakdown of leave usage by different categories.


  • Resources usage, including blogs, infographics, toolkits, and e-books.
  • Top five articles and courses.
  • Line chart depicting content popularity over the last six months.


  • Usage statistics for well-being sessions.
  • Sessions booked per user.
  • Messages received and sent in the Ask a Therapist feature.
  • Guided meditations, soundscapes, and mood tracker entries.


  • Estimated savings, time saved, and resolved situations.
  • HR engagement metrics by territory.
  • History line chart showing the impact of the platform on various tasks.

Section 2: Advanced Features

Explore advanced functionalities and understand their relevance in specific scenarios.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

Discover additional tips and shortcuts for efficient use, along with best practices for optimal feature utilisation.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How can I access the Insights Page?

A1: To access the Insights Page, you need super admin access. Navigate to the left side menu bar, click on "Admin," and then select "Insights."

Q2: What information does the Overview section provide?

A2: The Overview section provides information on total users, registered users, userwise growth, user breakdown by department, Company Mood Tracker, and user distribution on a map.

Q3: Can I customise the time range for insights?

A3: Yes, you can use the date filter to select the desired time range for your insights, including the last month, last six months, or a custom range.

Q4: How can I troubleshoot issues with content resources?

A4: If you encounter issues with content resources, check the Troubleshooting section for common problems and step-by-step solutions.

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