Introducing Plumm’s ATS Hire Feature: Streamlining Your Recruitment Process

Our ATS (Applicant Tracking System) Hire feature is designed to help you manage your recruitment process more efficiently. Here’s a detailed look at what it offers:

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Overview and Insights

The ATS Hire feature provides a comprehensive overview of your recruitment activities. You can access insights related to active jobs, the number of applicants, candidate hires, the total number of offers sent, and location data. This dashboard gives you a clear summary of your recruitment efforts, helping you make informed decisions.

Jobs Section

In the Jobs section, you can find all your job listings in one place. Each listing includes detailed information, allowing for efficient management. By selecting a specific job, you can view a pipeline of applicants and track their progress through different stages of the hiring process:

  • Screening: Applicants answer initial screening questions via video.
  • 1st Interview Stage: Applicants who pass the screening move on to the first interview.
  • 2nd Interview Stage: Successful candidates from the first interview proceed to the second interview.
  • Rejection: Applicants who do not meet your criteria can be moved to the rejection stage.

This structured pipeline helps you keep track of where each applicant is in the process.

Candidate Pool

The Candidate Pool feature centralises all your candidates in one location. It shows the number of vacancies each candidate has applied for, making it easier to manage your talent pool and quickly identify potential hires for various positions.

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