Introduction and Feature Overview of the Plumm Platform

We are delighted to guide you through the onboarding process designed to seamlessly integrate your organisation with the Plumm platform. This journey is an exciting opportunity to revolutionise the way you manage HR and support employee well-being.

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The Onboarding Phases:

  1. Phase 1 – Welcome and Pre-Boarding
    • Objective: Set the stage for a successful onboarding experience.
    • Key Actions: Familiarise yourself with the Plumm platform, understand the data preparation process, and get ready for the transition.
  1. Phase 2 – Setup
    • Objective: Integrate your organisational data into Plumm.
    • Key Actions: Import user lists and staff details, set up organisational structures, and customise platform settings.
  1. Phase 3 – Go Live
    • Objective: Prepare your team for the full launch of the Plumm platform.
    • Key Actions: Internal communication to staff, welcoming users, and conducting a virtual platform demo.
  1. Phase 4 – Ongoing Support
    • Objective: Provide continuous assistance and updates.
    • Key Actions: Access to customer support, knowledge base, and regular updates on new features and enhancements.


Key Features of the Plumm Platform:


  • Comprehensive Mental Health Support: On-demand resources and tools to support the emotional well-being of your employees.
  • AI-Powered 'EMMA' Assistant: Around-the-clock AI assistance for HR queries and support.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Make informed decisions based on actionable insights drawn from your HR data.
  • Streamlined HR Functionalities: Simplify HR processes like recruitment, performance management, and employee engagement.
  • Interactive Goal Setting and Performance Reviews: Enhance employee development with smart goal-setting tools and automated performance reviews.


Visual Guide to the Onboarding Process

To help you visualise your journey with us, we have created an easy-to-follow infographic. This visual guide outlines each phase of the onboarding process, highlighting key actions and what to expect at every stage. You'll find this attached to our welcome email and available in your Plumm platform dashboard.


Tailoring to Your Needs:

Every organisation is unique, and so are your needs. As you explore the Plumm platform, you'll discover a range of customisation options to ensure that our solution aligns perfectly with your organisational goals and HR strategies.


Support and Training:

To ensure you make the most of what Plumm has to offer, we provide comprehensive training materials and support. These resources are designed to help you and your team familiarise yourselves with all aspects of the platform, ensuring a smooth transition and effective utilisation.


Looking Ahead:

As your trusted partner, we are committed to your long-term success. This onboarding journey is just the beginning. We are excited to support your organisation's growth and to continuously enhance your experience with our platform.


We are here to assist you every step of the way and look forward to seeing the positive impact Plumm will have on your organisation.


Here is an infographic that visually represents the onboarding process for the Plumm HR platform. This infographic is divided into Five sections, each corresponding to a different phase of the onboarding process:

  1. Conclude Contract: Finalise the sales process with the signing of the contract and the onboarding process can then begin.
  2. Welcome and Pre-Boarding: This section, marked with a welcome sign, emphasises the initial setup and data preparation phase.
  3. Setup: Illustrated with a gear icon, this part focuses on data import and the customization of organizational structures.
  4. Go Live: Featuring a rocket symbol, this phase highlights the importance of internal communication and user training as the platform goes live.
  5. Ongoing Support: The final section, represented by a support icon, depicts the continuous assistance and updates provided to users.

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