Learn about the 'Candidate Pool' Tab in the Hire Section of Our Platform

Learn about the 'Candidate Pool' Tab in the Hire Section of Our Platform

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Title: Navigating the 'Candidate Pool' Tab in the Hire Section of Our Platform

The 'Candidate Pool' tab within the 'Hire' section of our platform is a valuable resource for recruiters and HR professionals looking to streamline their recruitment processes. This feature provides a comprehensive overview of all candidates who have interacted with your job postings, making it easier to manage and engage with potential hires. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use the 'Candidate Pool' tab.

Step 1: Accessing the 'Hire' Section

Log into your account on the platform and navigate to the 'Hire' section located on the left-hand side panel. This section is dedicated to managing all your recruitment needs.

Step 2: Select the 'Candidate Pool' Tab

After accessing the 'Hire' section, you'll find several tabs, including 'Overview', 'Jobs', and 'Candidate Pool'. Click on the 'Candidate Pool' tab to open up a detailed list of all candidates.

Step 3: Explore Candidate Details

Within the 'Candidate Pool' tab, you can view a variety of information about each candidate, which includes:

  • Name: The full name of the candidate.
  • Contact Information: Phone number and email address to facilitate easy communication.
  • Jobs Applied For: A list of positions the candidate has applied for within your organization.
  • Resume Link: A direct link to the candidate’s resume for quick access and review.
  • Last Activity: The most recent interaction or activity of the candidate on the platform.

Step 4: Managing Candidates

The 'Candidate Pool' tab is designed not just to view candidate details but also to manage your interactions with them effectively:

  • Filter and Sort: Use filters to sort candidates based on various criteria such as the date of application, job applied for, or last activity. This helps in prioritizing candidates who are most active or relevant to current job openings.
  • Direct Communication: Reach out to candidates directly from the platform to schedule interviews, ask for additional information, or provide updates on their application status.
  • Track Candidate Progress: Monitor how many jobs each candidate has applied for and their status in the recruitment pipeline. This helps in understanding a candidate’s interest level and suitability for various roles.

Step 5: Utilize Candidate Data for Recruitment Strategies

The comprehensive data provided in the 'Candidate Pool' tab can be used to refine your recruitment strategies. Analyse patterns such as which jobs attract the most candidates or identify candidates who frequently apply and may be a good fit for future openings.


The 'Candidate Pool' tab in the 'Hire' section of our platform is an essential tool for any recruitment team looking to optimise their hiring process. By providing a detailed and organised overview of all candidates, this feature allows recruiters to manage potential hires more effectively, ultimately leading to better recruitment outcomes. Make the most of this tool to enhance your recruitment efficiency and find the best talent for your organisation.

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