Feature Overview: Leave Balances

This article explains the feature overview of the Leave Balances Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Leave Balances page offers a detailed view of your time-off entitlements, including used, remaining, and expected time off based on different policy types set up by your organisation. By tracking your time-off entitlement, you can maintain awareness of your available time-off days and plan your days off accordingly.


Your organisation will have set up time-off policy types that have been assigned to you.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Login to Plumm.

  2. Access 'Time Off' on the main menu navigation.

  3. Select 'Leave Balances'.

  4. View your assigned Time Off policies and balances.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

View leave balances broken down by policy type to get a better understanding of details like:

  • Current Cycle: This refers to the current period or year for which the leave balance is being calculated. It usually aligns with your organisation's fiscal or calendar year.

  • Days Taken: This indicates the number of time-off days you have already used within the current cycle.

  • Remaining Balance: This shows the number of days still available for you to take as leave in the current cycle.

  • Annual Allowance: This is the total number of leave days allotted to you for the year or cycle. It varies based on your organisation's policy and the specific leave type.

  • System Adjustments: These are any modifications made to your leave balance by the system. They can include carry-over leaves from the previous cycle, corrections made due to policy changes, or other adjustments as per your organisation's leave policy.

Section 2: Tips and Tricks

Make sure to regularly check for any system adjustments or expected deductions to stay informed about your leave balance!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How are leave balances calculated?

A1: Balances are based on the cycle of the policy type, days taken, and any adjustments or carryovers.

Q2: Can I see future deductions in my leave balance?

A2: Yes, expected deductions based on upcoming approved leaves are displayed.


If you feel there are any discrepancies in your leave balance, refer to the policy settings or contact your HR manager

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