Feature Overview: Mood Tracker

This article explains the feature overview of the Mood Tracker Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Mood Tracker feature is designed to help you monitor and track your emotional wellbeing over time within the Wellbeing Page. The Mood Tracker aims to assist you in understanding and managing your emotions by providing a tool to track mood changes over time. Its benefits include self-awareness, identifying patterns, and seeking appropriate support based on your tracked emotions.


Accessing the Mood Tracker requires valid credentials for the Wellbeing Page. You must have a registered profile within the system to utilise this feature.

Accessing the Feature

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to access this feature:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Hover over "Wellbeing" and click on "Mood Tracker".
  3. Alternatively, you can easily access the Mood Tracker section at the bottom of the Dashboard page, with access to tracking your mood and leaving a journal entry as well.
  4. Record, track, and view your mood entries using the provided interface.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

The Mood Tracker includes:

  • An interface for adding, editing, and deleting mood entries.
  • A calendar or timeline view to visualise mood trends.
  • Categories or tags to classify different moods (e.g., happy, sad, anxious).

Here's what you can do:

  • Access the Mood Tracker section.
  • Add new mood journal entries by selecting the mood and adding notes or context.
  • View and edit your existing mood entries on the calendar or timeline view.

Section 2: Advanced Features

Advanced functionalities encompass:

  • Mood trend analysis tools for you to identify patterns over time.
  • Chat with Emma AI to walk through some of your emotional patterns and seek support.
  • Insights or recommendations based on your tracked mood data.

By tracking your moods regularly, you can identify triggers for certain emotions, leading to better self-awareness and the ability to manage stress or anxiety more effectively.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Track mood entries consistently at regular intervals for accurate trend analysis.
  • Utilise the notes section to add context or details about your mood at that time.
  • Reflect on mood trends to understand correlations between activities, events, and emotions.

Best practices for utilising the feature effectively:

Establish a routine for mood tracking to better understand your emotional patterns and make informed decisions regarding your well-being.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Issue: Difficulty in adding or editing mood entries.

Solution: You can try refreshing your page if this occurs as well as try logging out and logging back in again.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can you view mood trends over specific time frames?

A1: Yes, you can visualise mood trends over customisable time frames using the calendar or timeline view.

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