Feature Overview: My Documents

This article explains the feature overview of the My Documents Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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My Documents is a feature designed to streamline your document management experience. Understanding its capabilities is key to unlocking its full potential and delving into a realm of effortless document organisation, seamless collaboration, and efficient reviews.

Purpose and Benefits:

With My Documents, you can:

Effortlessly maintain document organisation.

Foster collaboration and sharing with your colleagues.

Stay effortlessly on top of your document reviews.

Let's explore these benefits in detail and make your document management experience a breeze.


Make sure you're logged in with the right permissions.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Head over to the "Documents" page.
  3. Click on "My Documents"

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

  • Organising Documents:
    • Create folders to tidy up your space.
    • Use subfolders for your extra-sensitive Confidential Documents.
    • Easily drop in new documents.

Section 2: Advanced Features

  • Filtering and Sorting:
    • Find specific documents effortlessly with our handy options.
    • Filter by document type, date, reviewer, and status.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Document Renaming: Give your documents a new name for clarity.
  • Delete Confirmation: Pause and think with a confirmation pop-up before deleting.
  • Sharing Documents: Team up seamlessly with colleagues or departments.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

  • Delete Confirmation Issue: If having trouble deleting, try refreshing your page and try again.
  • Contact support if you need a hand.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I rescue deleted documents from the Bin?

A1: Sorry, once a document is binned, it's gone for good. So, be sure before hitting that delete button!


Feel free to reach out to our amazing Customer support team at hello@plummhealth.com for further assistance or if you have additional questions.

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