Feature Overview: My tasks

This article explains the feature overview of the My tasks Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Tasks Page is your one-stop-shop to view, track, and tick off tasks, whether it's surveys, courses, signing docs, or workflows. It is all about making your task management smoother and smarter.

We want to make managing tasks easy, super visible, and way more efficient. You'll see tasks popping up from different actions on the platform - like when your manager sets up a 1-on-1, you add goals, or during your onboarding. 


Before diving in, make sure you have:

  • Access to the platform 

Accessing the Feature

Let's get started on accessing the Tasks Page:

  • Log into the platform.
  • Click on "Tasks" in the navigation menu.
  • Choose "My Tasks" from the drop-down.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

1.1 My Tasks Page

"My Tasks" is your personal space for managing and tracking your assigned tasks.

  • Go to "My Tasks" to see your tasks listed neatly.
  • Tasks are laid out in a table with all the essential details.
  • Click on 'View Description' for more details.
  • Mark tasks as complete to check them off your list.

Section 2: Advanced Features

2.1 Task Types and Details

Tasks come in different types, each with specific details like task name, who it was assigned by, status, linked page(s), task type, assignment date, due date, and completion date.

2.2 Task Assignment Sources and Triggers

Tasks come from different places, and it's great to know how they kick off:

  • 1-on-1 meetings set up by [Organiser Name] and [Invitee Name].
  • Task sent out by [Survey Creator Name].
  • Workflow setups.
  • Review cycles managed by [Review Setup By Name].
  • Reminders set by TrustLine to reply on the Date the submitter replies
  • Reminder to Archive on the date the case was closed

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Use the expand/collapse feature for an easy view of everyone's tasks.
  • Don't forget filters and the search bar to find tasks quickly.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

  • Issue: Tasks are not showing up correctly.
  • Solution: Refresh the page for the latest data.
  • Issue: Problems marking tasks as complete.
  • Solution: Check your internet connection.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How do I mark a task as complete?

A1: Easy! Go to the task, click the action icon, and hit "Mark Complete".

Q2: Can managers delete tasks for their team?

A2: Yep! Managers can sort tasks for their team in the "People's Tasks" section.

Q3: Help, I accidentally marked a task as done. What now?

A3: No stress! Just go to the task, click the action icon, and select "Mark Incomplete" to reverse it.


Feel free to reach out to our amazing Customer support team at hello@plummhealth.com for further assistance or if you have additional questions.

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