Feature Overview: My Time Off

This article explains the feature overview of the My Time Off Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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My Time Off is a feature designed to put you in control of managing your leave requests with ease. This convenient tool allows you to submit, edit, cancel, and view upcoming time off requests according to your preferences and the organisation's policies.


  • Familiarity with your organisation's time-off policies.
  • Access to Plumm's HR platform.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Navigate to the Time Off section on the Plumm platform through your main menu.
  2. When you click on it, you will be taken to the My Time Off page.
  3. View and search for specific time-off policies you've booked time off for.
  4. Check the status of your time-off requests and upcoming time-off dates.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

  • Request for Time Off:
    • Submit a new time-off request by clicking on 'Submit Request'.
    • Begin by selecting the policy type, specify your From and To dates, and choose the duration (all day, morning, or afternoon) that applies to your request.
    • Add a description and upload supporting documents if necessary. This is completely optional.
    • Click on 'Submit,' and the request will then either be auto-approved or sent for approval to your manager, depending on the time-off policy.

Section 2: Advanced Features

  • Edit Time Off:
    • To make changes to an existing Time Off request, click on the action button for that specific time-off request.
    • Next, click on 'Edit'.
    • On the window, you'll be able to make changes to your time-off dates and duration, update your original description and supporting documents, and even change the policy type you are requesting time off for.
    • Click on 'Submit,' and the request will then either be auto-approved or sent for approval to your manager, depending on the time-off policy.
  • Cancel Time Off:
    • To make changes to an existing Time Off request, click on the action button for that specific time-off request.
    • Next, click on 'Cancel'.
    • You'll be asked to confirm your certainty in canceling this time-off request. It's important to note that once this is confirmed, it cannot be undone.
    • Don't worry, if you change your mind, you can always submit a new request!
  • View Time Off:
    • Want to make changes to your time-off request?
    • Click on the action button for that specific time-off request and select 'View'.
    • Here, you'll be able to view the details of your leave request.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Request Status: Review the status labels for each leave request to stay updated. There are four statuses you can keep track of: Completed, Canceled, Pending, or Approved.
  • Quick Search: Use the search bar to quickly find specific leave types or dates.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

If you encounter any discrepancies or have any questions about your time-off balance or request statuses, we recommend contacting your HR team for clarification.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How do I know if my time-off request is approved?

A1: The status of your request will be updated in the "My Time Off" section.

Q2: Can I edit a time-off request after submitting it?

A2: Yes, you can edit or cancel your request before it is approved or declined.


Feel free to reach out to our amazing Customer support team at hello@plummhealth.com for further assistance or if you have additional questions.

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