Feature Overview: People's Documents

This article explains the feature overview of the People's Documents Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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Welcome to "People's Documents" in the Documents section – a collaborative digital library where knowledge converges, and shared information becomes a valuable asset for the entire community. This feature is designed to go beyond individual document management, fostering a collective space where users can contribute, access, and collaborate on a wealth of knowledge.

Shared Knowledge Repository:

"People's Documents" is a shared repository that embodies the collective intelligence of our community. It's a hub where individuals collaboratively contribute documents, fostering a dynamic and evolving knowledge pool.

Collaborative Document Creation:

Multiple users can contribute to, edit, and refine documents, creating a seamless and collective approach to document creation. The collaborative editing features allow for real-time contributions, promoting a shared understanding.

Unified Learning Experience:

Integrating seamlessly into the Plumm platform, "People's Documents" offers a unified learning experience. No need to navigate between different tools; everything you need for collaborative document management is at your fingertips within the familiar Plumm environment.

Diverse Document Types:

From guides and tutorials to research papers and shared templates, "People's Documents" accommodates a variety of document types. This diversity enriches the learning experience, allowing users to explore and contribute content that suits different learning styles and preferences.

Connect Through Knowledge:

Engage with your peers, share insights, and collectively contribute to the growth of our shared knowledge base. "People's Documents" promotes connection through knowledge, fostering a supportive environment where each document becomes a collaborative venture.


Access to "People's Documents" is available to all users with a Plumm account. Ensure you are logged in to your account to contribute to and benefit from this dynamic digital library.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Log in to your Plumm account.
  2. Navigate to the Documents section through the main menu.
  3. Click on "People's Documents" to explore and contribute to the community's shared knowledge.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

Document Search:

  • Effortlessly search for specific documents or topics of interest.
  • Utilise filters and tags for a more refined search experience.

Contribution and Editing:

  • Contribute your own documents to the shared repository.
  • Collaboratively edit documents in real-time, promoting collective knowledge creation.

Section 2: Advanced Features

Version History:

  • Track changes and access the version history of documents.
  • Easily revert to previous versions if needed.

Document Categories:

  • Explore document categories to navigate through specific topics.
  • Contribute to existing categories or propose new ones to enhance organisation.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Engage in Discussions: Use the comments section to discuss and provide insights on documents.
  • Document Quality: Strive for clarity and completeness in your document contributions.
  • Regular Updates: Keep an eye on updates to stay informed about newly contributed content.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common Problems:

  1. Difficulty Accessing Documents: If experiencing issues accessing documents, try refreshing your page


  1. You can also try logging out and logging back in if this does not work
  2. Contact Plumm Customer support if issues persist. You can reach out to us via live chat or send an email via hello@plummhealth.com

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I collaborate on a document in real-time with other users?

A1: Yes, "People's Documents" supports real-time collaborative editing, allowing multiple users to contribute simultaneously.

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