Plumm Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics for Providers at Plumm


This Code of Ethics is designed to provide a framework for ethical practice among Providers who offer their services via Plumm Ltd (“Plumm”). Adherence to these ethical principles is essential for maintaining the integrity and professionalism of mental health services provided by Plumm. 

1. Principle of Beneficence 

Providers shall strive to promote the welfare and wellbeing of clients, always prioritizing their best interests. They should be committed to providing effective and appropriate care, while continuously seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills. 

2. Principle of Non-maleficence 

Providers must avoid causing harm to clients, either directly or indirectly. They should remain aware of potential risks, and take appropriate steps to minimize any adverse consequences that may arise during the course of the treatment. 

3. Principle of Autonomy 

Providers must respect clients’ rights to make informed decisions about their own care. They should provide relevant and accurate information in a manner that is comprehensible to the client, enabling them to make informed choices about their treatment options. 

4. Principle of Confidentiality 

Providers must maintain the confidentiality of all client information, including personal and medical details, and should only disclose such information with the client’s explicit consent or as required by law. The use of technology in service delivery requires additional vigilance to ensure client data is protected and secure. 

5. Principle of Informed Consent 

Providers must obtain informed consent from clients before initiating any form of treatment or intervention. This process should include a thorough explanation of the treatment plan, potential risks, benefits, and alternative options, as well as the opportunity for clients to ask questions and seek clarification. 

6. Principle of Cultural Competence 

Providers should be sensitive to cultural, ethnic, religious, and linguistic differences among clients, recognizing that these factors may impact the therapeutic relationship and the effectiveness of interventions. They should strive to develop and maintain cultural competence in order to provide appropriate and effective care. 

7. Principle of Professional Boundaries 

Providers must maintain appropriate professional boundaries with clients, avoiding dual relationships or conflicts of interest that could compromise the therapeutic relationship or the Provider’s objectivity. Any personal, financial, or sexual relationships between Providers and clients are strictly prohibited. 

8. Principle of Professional Competence 

Providers are responsible for maintaining and enhancing their professional competence through ongoing education, training, and supervision. They must recognize the limits of their expertise and seek consultation or refer clients to other professionals when necessary. 

9. Principle of Accountability 

Providers are accountable for their actions and decisions in the provision of mental health services. They should be prepared to justify their actions and decisions to clients, colleagues, and regulatory bodies, and must adhere to the applicable laws, regulations, and professional guidelines governing their practice. 

10. Principle of Collaboration 

Providers should foster a spirit of collaboration with colleagues and other professionals involved in the care of their clients. This includes sharing information, seeking consultation, and working together to provide comprehensive and coordinated care. 

11. Principle of Social Responsibility 

Providers have a responsibility to contribute to the development and improvement of mental health services and the broader community. This includes advocating for access to mental health care, promoting public awareness, and participating in professional organizations that support the field. 

By adhering to these Code of Ethics, Providers at Plumm commit to maintaining the highest ethical standards in their practice, upholding the trust and confidence placed in them by clients, colleagues, and society as a whole. 

Plumm’s Code of Ethics for Providers offering emotional support via the Chat Session service 

1. Confidentiality

Providers must maintain the confidentiality of all client information obtained through chat sessions. They should only disclose information when required by law or with the client’s informed consent. 

2. Boundaries 

Providers must establish clear boundaries with clients to maintain professional relationships. They must not engage in dual relationships, sexual relationships, or other behaviors that could compromise the therapeutic relationship. 

3. Competence 

Providers must have the appropriate training and expertise to provide emotional support via chat sessions. They must ensure that their interventions are evidence-based and appropriate for the client’s needs. 

4. Informed Consent 

Providers must obtain informed consent from clients before starting any chat session. They must explain the nature and limitations of the chat session service, the client’s rights, and any potential risks or benefits of participating in the service. 

5. Cultural Sensitivity 

Providers must be aware of and respect cultural differences and diversity when providing emotional support via chat sessions. They must strive to avoid imposing their own cultural values or beliefs on clients. 

6. Conflict of Interest 

Providers must disclose any potential conflict of interest that may arise during the chat session. They must avoid any activity or behavior that could lead to a conflict of interest. 

7. Continuing Education 

Providers must stay current with the latest research and best practices related to emotional support via chat sessions. They must engage in continuing education and professional development to enhance their knowledge and skills. 

8. Emergency Protocols 

Providers must have clear emergency protocols in place in case of a crisis during a chat session. They must provide clients with information about local emergency services and resources. 

9. Feedback and Evaluation 

Providers must solicit feedback and evaluate their performance regularly to ensure that they are providing high-quality emotional support via chat sessions. They must use client feedback to improve their service and address any issues that arise. 

10. Professionalism 

Providers must behave professionally at all times during chat sessions. They must maintain appropriate communication, avoid using derogatory language, and refrain from engaging in any behaviour that could be construed as unprofessional. 

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