Feature Overview: Review

This article explains the feature overview of the Review Functionality Access: Admin/Managers

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Welcome to the "Review" feature in the Admin section – a dynamic tool designed to empower managers in overseeing and orchestrating comprehensive performance assessments within your organisation. This feature transcends traditional reviews, offering a versatile platform that allows managers to configure various review cycles, including Self Review, Peer Review, Top Down Review, and Bottom Up Review.

Strategic Performance Oversight:

The "Review" feature serves as a cornerstone for strategic performance oversight within your organisation. It provides managers with the flexibility to tailor review cycles, enabling a nuanced understanding of individual and team performance. 

Tailored Review Cycles:

With "Review," users have the ability to tailor review cycles to suit your organisational needs. Whether it's empowering employees through Self Reviews, fostering collaboration with Peer Reviews, or aligning with leadership goals through Top Down and Bottom Up Reviews, this feature provides a customisable framework for diverse evaluation scenarios.

360-Degree Insight:

The inclusion of various review cycles contributes to a 360-degree insight into performance. From self-reflection to peer collaboration and alignment with leadership, "Review" ensures a comprehensive evaluation, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and mutual understanding within the workplace.

Efficient Configuration Controls:

Managers can effortlessly configure and initiate reviews with intuitive controls provided by the "Review" feature. Tailor assessment criteria, set timelines, and engage in transparent communication with participants, all within a user-friendly administrative interface.

Encouraging a Culture of Feedback:

Beyond mere evaluations, "Review" aims to cultivate a culture of constructive feedback and collaboration. By allowing managers to orchestrate varied review cycles, the feature promotes an environment where employees actively engage in self-improvement and contribute to the collective growth of the organisation.


Access to the "Review" feature is exclusive to administrators and managers within your organisation. Ensure you have the necessary administrative permissions to initiate and manage customised performance reviews.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Log in to your Plumm admin account.
  2. Navigate to the Admin section through the main menu.
  3. Click on "Review" to access the powerful and customisable performance assessment tools.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

Initiating Customised Reviews:

  • Empower managers to initiate performance reviews tailored to specific review cycles.
  • Define evaluation criteria and set up timelines based on organisational needs.

Diverse Review Types:

  • Explore various review cycles, including Self Review, Peer Review, Top Down Review, and Bottom Up Review.
  • Each review type brings unique perspectives to the assessment process.

Section 2: Advanced Features

Configuring Assessment Criteria:

  • Customise assessment criteria for each review type.
  • Ensure that evaluations align with organisational goals and individual objectives.

Collaborative Feedback:

  • Facilitate collaboration by allowing participants to provide feedback within the designated review cycle.
  • Enhance communication and understanding among team members.

Section 3: Tips and Tricks

  • Strategic Review Planning: Strategically plan and schedule review cycles to align with organisational milestones.
  • Transparent Communication: Foster open communication with participants to ensure clarity on the review process.
  • Feedback Culture: Encourage a culture of feedback by emphasising the importance of constructive comments in all review types.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common Problems:

  1. Difficulty Configuring Review Cycles: If facing challenges in configuring review cycles, review your administrative permissions.


  1. Verify your administrative permissions.
  2. Contact Plumm support for assistance if needed.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I initiate multiple review cycles simultaneously?

A1: Yes, the "Review" feature allows managers to initiate and manage multiple review cycles concurrently.

Q2: How can I ensure transparency in the review process for participants?

A2: Utilise the communication features within the "Review" tool to provide clear instructions, expectations, and updates to participants.

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