Feature Overview: Reviews

This article explains the feature overview of the Reviews Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Reviews Feature within the People section is a robust platform designed to elevate the performance assessment process for individuals and teams. This multifaceted feature empowers users to engage in both personal self-assessments through 'My View' and collaborative feedback sessions with 'People's Reviews.' It goes beyond traditional performance evaluations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, individual growth, and effective team dynamics.

Purpose and Benefits

  • Personal Growth through 'My View': 'My View' provides a dedicated space for individuals to reflect on their achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement. Users can set and track personalised, SMART goals to drive continuous development.
  • Enhanced Team Dynamics via 'People's Review': 'People's Review' enables team members to actively participate in constructive feedback exchanges. Peer feedback and managerial insights contribute to a comprehensive understanding of individual strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented team environment.
  • Holistic 360-Degree Insight: The Review Feature offers a holistic perspective on performance by combining self-assessment with feedback from peers and managers. This 360-degree view enhances the accuracy of evaluations and contributes to well-rounded professional development.


Before using the Review feature, ensure you have:

  • Plumm Account: You must have a registered Plumm account.

Accessing the Feature

Follow these steps to access the Review feature:

  1. Log in to your Plumm account.
  2. Navigate to the "People" section.
  3. Select "Review."

'My View' - Self-Assessment

Section 1: Personal Goals

Evaluate and set personal goals to foster continuous improvement.


  1. Access "Review" and select "My View."
  2. Reflect on your achievements and challenges.
  3. Set SMART goals for personal development.

Section 2: Performance Ratings

Provide self-assessment ratings for various performance indicators.


  1. Navigate to "My View."
  2. Rate your performance based on predefined criteria.
  3. Add comments to support your ratings.

'People's Review' - Team Feedback

Section 1: Peer Feedback

Engage in collaborative feedback sessions with your team members.


  1. Access "Review" and choose "People's Review."
  2. Select team members for feedback.
  3. Provide constructive comments on their performance.

Section 2: Managerial Feedback

Receive feedback from managers to enhance professional growth.


  1. Navigate to "People's Review."
  2. View and respond to feedback from your manager.
  3. Use feedback to improve performance.

Tips and Tricks

  • Regular Updates: Schedule regular review cycles for consistent evaluations.
  • Constructive Feedback: Focus on specific behaviours and actions when providing feedback.
  • Goal Tracking: Use the platform to monitor progress toward personal and team goals.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common Problems:

  1. Technical Issues: If encountering technical difficulties, check your internet connection or contact support. You can also log out and log back in or try refreshing your page.


  1. Refresh your page and try logging out and logging back in
  2. Contact Plumm Customer Support for technical assistance.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How often should reviews be conducted?

A1: Review cycles can vary but are often conducted quarterly or annually. Check with your HR department for your organisation's schedule.

Q2: Can I edit my self-assessment after submission?

A2: Yes, you can usually edit your self-assessment until the review cycle is closed. Check with your organisation's review policy.

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