Feature Overview: Location

This article explains the feature overview of the Location Functionality Access: Admin/Super Admin

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Welcome to the Location feature in the Admin section. This guide will walk you through how to manage locations within your organisation. You can display images, view location names, and see a list of employees assigned to specific locations.


To access and manage locations, you must have administrative privileges within your organisation's account.

Accessing the Feature

  1. Start by logging in to your administrator account using your credentials.
  2. Once logged in, locate the "Settings" option in the main menu and click on it.
  3. Under the "Settings" menu, you will find an option for "Location." Click on it to manage your organisation's locations.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Displaying Location Images

In the "Location" settings, you can upload and display images of each location within your organisation. These images provide visual context and help employees identify and familiarise themselves with different workplace locations.

Section 2: Viewing Location Names

Within the "Location" settings, you can view a list of location names associated with your organisation. These names serve as labels for different physical locations, offices, or branches.

Section 3: Listing Employees by Location

One of the key features of the Location settings is the ability to see a list of employees assigned to each specific location. This feature helps you keep track of which employees work at different locations and manage their assignments effectively.

How to Display Images and List of Employees for a Specific Location:

  1. Select a Location: Begin by selecting a specific location from the list in the "Location" settings.
  2. Upload Image (Optional): You have the option to upload an image related to the selected location. Click the "Upload Image" button and select the image file you wish to associate with the location. This step is optional but can provide visual context.
  3. View Location Name: You will see the name of the selected location displayed.
  4. List of Employees: Below the location name, you will find a list of employees assigned to that particular location. This list helps you identify who is located at each branch, office, or workspace.

Tips and Tricks

  • Regularly update location images to provide accurate visual references for employees.
  • Ensure that the list of employees assigned to each location is kept up to date to reflect any changes in staffing or workplace assignments.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I upload multiple images for a single location?

A1: Currently, the system allows you to upload one image per location. If you need to add multiple images or have specific image requirements, please contact your organisation's support team for assistance.

Q2: How often should I update location information?

A2: It's advisable to update location information whenever there are changes in your organisation's physical locations or employee assignments. Regular updates help maintain accurate records.

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