Feature Overview: Soundscapes

This article explains the feature overview of the Soundscapes Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Soundscapes module is an essential part of your Wellbeing Page, providing you with serene Soundscapes content for your mental and emotional well-being. The Soundscapes module aims to offer you a diverse collection of soothing soundscapes. 


Accessing the Soundscapes module requires valid credentials for your Wellbeing Page. If you're seeking soundscapes content, you must have a registered profile within the system.

Accessing the Feature

To access this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Hover over 'Wellbeing' using the main menu.
  3. Click on the "Soundscapes" section.
  4. Here, you can discover, filter, and access soundscapes content based on your preferences.

Detailed Feature Guide

Section 1: Basic Features

The Soundscapes feature includes:

  • An enhanced document list for effective content display.
  • A user-friendly interface for content navigation and discovery.
  • Filtering and sorting options for easy content access.
  • A Favourite/Save feature for bookmarking your preferred meditations.

Here's what you can do:

  • Explore the Soundscapes section for a visually appealing content display.
  • Take advantage ofthe search bar or filters to discover meditations based on topics or preferences.
  • Save your favourite meditations for quick access.
  • Regularly check for new meditation content through 

Best practices for utilising the feature effectively:

Establish a regular meditation routine by saving your preferred meditations and exploring new content aligned with your personal preferences on the categories.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Issue: Difficulty in finding specific soundscapes content.

Solution: Use the search bar or filters to refine your content search based on categories listed.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can you save your favourite soundscapes for later access?

A1: Yes, you can save your favourite soundscapes for quick access.

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