Troubleshooting Common Technical Issues During Plumm Video Sessions

Solving Technical Issues

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Encountering technical difficulties during video sessions can be frustrating, but often, these issues can be resolved with a few simple steps. This guide will help you troubleshoot the most common technical problems you might face while using the Plumm platform for your video calls.

Update Your Browser

  • Using the Latest Version of Google Chrome: Ensuring that you are using the latest version of your browser is crucial for optimal performance. If you are using Google Chrome, you can check for updates by clicking here. An up-to-date browser can resolve many issues automatically.

Refresh Your Page

  • Quick Refresh: Sometimes, all you need is a quick refresh of your browser page. This can clear out any minor glitches and get your video session back on track without further complications.

Test Your Hardware

Microphone Test

  • Perform a Microphone Test: Ensure your microphone is functioning properly by clicking on the Microphone Test. This test will guide you through simple steps to verify that your microphone is picking up sound clearly.

Webcam Test

  • Conduct a Webcam Test: Similarly, you can check if your webcam is working correctly by clicking on the Webcam Test . This will help you ensure that your webcam is operating flawlessly, providing clear video for your sessions.

Switch Devices

  • Changing Devices: If you continue to experience issues despite following the above steps, consider switching to a different device. Sometimes, hardware limitations or specific device issues can impact performance.

  • Options to Consider:

    • Desktop: If you're on a laptop and encountering problems, try moving to a desktop computer.
    • Tablet: A tablet can also serve as a good alternative if the desktop or laptop is problematic.
    • Mobile: The Plumm mobile app can be a great backup. It's available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Logging in Through the Plumm Mobile App

  • Mobile Access: If you decide to switch to using the Plumm mobile app, simply download it from the respective app store. Once installed, you can log in with your usual credentials and continue your session from your mobile device.


While technical issues can be an inconvenience, following these steps can help you quickly resolve most problems, ensuring a smooth and efficient video session on Plumm. By keeping your software up-to-date, testing your hardware, and being flexible with your device choice, you can maintain a high-quality communication experience.

Need Further Assistance?

If problems persist or you require more detailed support, please reach out to Plumm's Customer Support Team. They are ready to assist you with any additional troubleshooting steps or to answer any queries you might have.

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