Feature Overview: Trustline

This article explains the feature overview of the Trustline Functionality Access: Users/Admin/Managers

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The Trustline Feature under the People section is a powerful tool designed to facilitate secure and confidential whistleblowing within the organisation. This feature empowers employees to report concerns, misconduct, or ethical violations anonymously, ensuring a safe and transparent work environment. In a workplace where integrity and accountability are paramount, Trustline plays a pivotal role in upholding these values by providing a confidential channel for employees to report concerns without fear of retaliation. This fosters a culture of ethics, integrity, and accountability, reinforcing the organisation's commitment to maintaining a workplace built on trust and responsible conduct.

Purpose and Benefits

  • Confidential Reporting: Trustline provides a confidential channel for employees to report concerns without fear of retaliation.
  • Ethical Accountability: Encourages a culture of ethics and compliance within the organisation.
  • Effective Resolution: Enables swift action and resolution of reported issues to maintain a healthy workplace.


Before using the Trustline Feature, ensure you have:

  • Admin Access: Access to the Admin section within the Plumm platform.
  • Communication Protocol: Familiarity with the organisation's guidelines on whistleblowing and reporting procedures.

Accessing the Feature

Follow these steps to access the Trustline Feature:

  1. Log in to your Plumm account with relevant credentials.
  2. Navigate to the "People" section.
  3. Select "Trustline" to access the feature.

Reporting Anonymously

Section 1: Initiating a Report

Initiate a report while ensuring complete anonymity.


  1. Access the "Trustline" feature within the Admin section.
  2. Click on "Initiate Report."
  3. Follow the prompts to provide details on the concern.

Section 2: Anonymity Assurance

Understand the measures in place to guarantee whistleblower anonymity.


  1. Review the confirmation messages ensuring your report is anonymous.
  2. Trustline uses advanced encryption to secure your identity.

Admin Review and Resolution

Section 1: Dashboard

Monitor incoming reports and manage resolutions.


  1. Navigate to the "Admin" section.
  2. Access the "Trustline Dashboard" to view incoming reports.

Section 2: Resolution Process

Take appropriate actions to address reported concerns.


  1. Review reported concerns on the Admin dashboard.
  2. Initiate an investigation or take necessary steps for resolution.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Educate Employees: Ensure all employees are aware of the Trustline feature and its purpose.
  • Communication: Regularly communicate the organisation's commitment to confidentiality and ethical reporting.
  • Follow-Up: Keep employees informed about the resolution status of reported concerns.

Troubleshooting/Common Issues

Common Problems:

  1. Technical Issues: If encountering technical difficulties, you can try the following steps:
  2. Try logging out and logging back in. You can also try refreshing the page.
  3. Reach out to Plumm Customer Support live chat or email hello@plummhealth.comwith your query.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Is my identity truly anonymous when using Trustline?

A1: Yes, Trustline employs robust encryption protocols to safeguard whistleblower anonymity.

Q2: How often are reported concerns addressed?

A2: The resolution timeline may vary based on the nature of the concern. Admins aim to address reports promptly and you will have the option to track the progress being made on your case.

Q3: What sets TrustLine apart in fostering a safe reporting environment?

A3: TrustLine isn't just a whistleblowing feature, it's a secure sanctuary for sharing concerns or ethical breaches anonymously, prioritising your safety and confidence throughout the process.

Q4: What happens once I submit a report through TrustLine?
A4: Once a report is submitted via TrustLine, the designated representatives from your organisation will carefully review and investigate the matter while ensuring the protection of the reporter's identity. You may choose to remain anonymous throughout the process.

Q5: What sets TrustLine apart in fostering a safe reporting environment?

A5: TrustLine isn't just a whistleblowing feature—it's a secure sanctuary for sharing concerns or ethical breaches anonymously, prioritising your safety and confidence throughout the process.

Q6: How does TrustLine contribute to a culture of trust and accountability within our organisation?

A6: TrustLine empowers individuals to voice concerns or seek guidance without fear of repercussions, cultivating a culture where honesty and accountability thrive, all while preserving your anonymity.

Q7: What happens once I submit a report through TrustLine?

A7: Once a report is submitted via TrustLine, the designated representatives from your organisation will carefully review and investigate the matter while ensuring the protection of the reporter's identity. You may choose to remain anonymous throughout the process.

Q8: Why do I need to provide my personal email?

A8: Your personal email is used to provide you with a unique case number, functioning as a password to access your submission securely on the Plumm platform for follow-up purposes. Rest assured, this email is solely used for communication related to your report—updates, case tracking—and is inaccessible to anyone within your organisation, ensuring complete anonymity throughout the process.

Q9: How can I track the progress of my report after submitting it through TrustLine?

A9: Upon submitting a report through TrustLine, you receive a unique case identifier. This identifier acts as a confidential key, enabling access to TrustLine's dedicated platform via the profile menu. Through this secure access, you can effortlessly track and monitor the status and progress of your report in real-time while maintaining complete confidentiality. This intuitive system empowers you to stay informed about the actions taken regarding your submission without compromising your anonymity.

Q10: How does TrustLine ensure my anonymity?

A10: TrustLine employs stringent measures to safeguard your identity. This includes encryption protocols, limited access to information, and the option to report without disclosing personal details. We prioritise anonymity to protect reporters and maintain trust in the system. Additionally, TrustLine ensures that your engagement with the submission and case updates occurs outside of the Plumm platform. This means that all interactions related to your report, including updates and tracking, are segregated from your Plumm account or any identifying information. This approach reinforces our commitment to preserving your anonymity and ensuring a wholly separate and confidential process.

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